by :
shweta tripathy
Ticking down the eyes,
Were mere drops of water.
When saviour becomes devil,
When life becomes evil.
Whom to blame?
Wasnt it wonders of those mere DROPS OF WATER?.
Didnt even take a minute.
Charisma of few seconds.
Those sighing faces,
Extending arms to god.
Those departed souls ,
Sleeping in the lap of lord.
He made you of blood and flesh,
and took away your blood and flesh.
Wasnt if wonders of those mere DROPS OF WATER?.
Somewhere lied tose sparkling ornaments,
Somewhere torn garments,
Somewhere flesh,
Somewhere press,
Somewhere blood,
Somewhere prayers to god.
Vanity turned to soil,
To make people realis that life isnt that royal,
However hard you toil.
Destiny will have its show.
No mater wherever you go.
Sympathise not to advertise.
That was TSUNAMI,
the fate of destiny.
Wasnt it wonders of those mere DROPS OF WATER?.