by :
Muna wa Wanjiru
Don't take this mean that you should edit all your photographs beyond recognition of what they were to begin with. The whole idea with using a photo editing software is to be able to enhance your photographs to what they perhaps should have been, but weren't due to some problem or other.
For example, using photo editing software to correct underexposed shots can make your life so much easier. You don't have to groan aloud in frustration when that one photograph you thought would turn out just perfect, turns out quite ruined instead.
This can happen to the best of us, and anyone who's ever held a camera in their hands and taken what they thought was a simply brilliant picture, only to have it turn out not quite as brilliant, will know exactly what I'm talking about.
That's when you wish that you could just tweak your photograph slightly with a photo editing software to achieve the results you were aiming for.
There are of course some people who might tell you that tweaking although fun in the beginning, can turn out to be exceedingly dull, and at times a long winded process.
That might be true in some cases, but I think that if you need to tweak it so extensively then it's just not worth it. You're better off taking another shot if you can, and if you can't then you can always continue with your tweaking efforts.
Tweaking your photographs with a photo editing software though can be time consuming sometimes even if there aren't extensive changes to be made. This can happen for a number of reasons.
The first and foremost being that you're bordering on a professional photographer and want to take away every little speck of dust that escaped your lens cleaner and made its way onto your photograph with a photo editing software. The second of course, is that you're a perfectionist! Then of course with a photo editing software, you have door number three to hide behind, the one where you start off doing one thing and end up with a few good solid hours of work behind you and your original ideas of tweaking yet to be implemented.
This can happen to the best of us and once you get started it's very difficult indeed not to get sidetracked.