Payday Loan by Phone

by : Bob Cash

Do you need money - and need it fast? Do you not want the hassle of going back and forth faxing documents and having multiple conversations with operators? If you answered yes to these questions you may be a candidate for a payday loan. operators are standing by to take your calls. If you're earning a minimum of $1,000 per month and have your paycheck posted to your account every month, you automatically qualify for a payday loan from

What is a Payday Loan?

A payday loan is a ranging from a hundred to a thousand dollars (depending on the state) and is usually used as an advance to your next paycheck. These loans help cover unexpected expenses that come up between now and your next pay period. Generally, payday loans are repaid by the next payday. The payday loan company does not charge interest but they do charge a fee, anywhere from $10 - 30 per hundred borrowed. A payday loan is usually a more cost effective way to borrow money than other alternatives.

Call or Apply Online allows you to apply over the internet on the phone. The operator will ask you to fax in a pay stub, your most recent bank statement and a void check. The loan will be approved in a matter of minutes and directly deposited into your bank account by the next morning. We take care of the return payment to us. We'll directly withdraw the amount owed to us on the due date. You don't have to hassle with sending a check or paying a bill. We're experts, we make the entire process simple and quick.

Payday Loan Apply By Phone

Online payday loans can get cash to your account in the shortest of time
possible any where. Now to get a payday loan, apply by phone, through processes your application as you speak to them. The loan amount is deposited directly into your checking bank account and you can start using the money instantly.

Who qualifies for a payday loan?

Anyone who is a citizen of the US with a valid checking account can apply for a payday loan. offers up to 500 dollars. They are nit interested in where you use the money just that you return it by the next payday. It may take up to 24 hours to get a first time applicant processed and the cash deposited into the bank, however, return applicants who have already passed the verification procedure will be given a username and password and they can use it to get a payday loan online in a matter of two minutes.

In order to get a payday loan you need to either fill in a form online or download it and fax the same to on 1-877-262-CASH. You need to send in your latest salary slip along with the latest bank statement and the loan application will be processed. The cash will be deposited in your checking account within a day. No system can boast of being this fast and efficient.

How Do I Repay The Loan?

The payday loan amount is automatically debited from your bank account on the next payday. You are informed at the time of application about the amount you will need to repay the payday loan company. So the system is very transparent and hassle free.

To get a payday loan, Complete the application online or apply by phone on 1-877-262-CASH and your application will be processed as you speak.