Bluetooth Technology: Tips for Buying Headsets or Headphones by :
Simon Canfield
If you’re toying with the idea of purchasing a Bluetooth headset or set of headphones, you’ll need to understand that – as a result of the nature of this type of technology– they aren’t as small or light as a headset that isn’t wireless. This is simply because it needs extended technology in order to function, as well as a battery to beused as its power source. What this means is that many ofthese sets are rather bulky and can be a bit uncomfortable. If that’s not something that you’re willingto accept, then perhaps Bluetooth isn’t the product for you. One of the biggest benefits of this type of technology is that it affords you the opportunity to have a conversation on your cell phone without having to hold it up to your head. With the concerns of harmful radiation that’s emitted by these phones, the Bluetooth headsets and headphones serve as a buffer and eliminate the exposure to these harmful rays. It also allows you to make contact with your computer and lets you use one headset for both the cell phone and PC simultaneously. If you feel that you’re going to have the need for features such as these, then consider purchasing this type of product. Though Bluetooth products such as these are compatible withmost types of phones and carriers, that’s not true in every case. Before making a purchase, be sure that there are no compatibility issues. You’ll need to be sure that your phone complies with Bluetooth 1.1 or greater and that it offers the options of both hands-free and headset capabilities. Plug compatibility isn’t an issue, since it’s a wireless unit. If you’re not planning to wear the headset or headphones all day, then you’ll need to be sure that they’re kept close at hand if a call should happen to come in on your phone. You may need to place it on a cord around your neckso that you’re free to move about without the worry of leaving your Bluetooth somewhere. That means that you’ll have to ensure that your equipment has a loop that will allow a strap connection. Other things to consider are whether or not your set can beused if you wear eyeglasses, the cost and range of the unit, ease and comfortability of use, weight, the ability to switch from one ear to the other, technical support, thepresence of a pairing password, appropriate monitors for battery limits, effective noise cancellation and a plethoraof other features that you may feel are necessary.