aPriori Technologies | Cost Management Platform

by : Thomas Cutler

Thomas R. Cutler, the leading manufacturing journalist, recently profiled the Cost Management Platform developed by aPriori Technologies in the recent issue of Industry 2.0. The link to the feature can be found at www.industry20.com or trcutler@trcutlerinc.com.

Cutler details the benefits of cost management platforms in the feature:

Hard Savings: Direct cost of goods sold (COGS) savings - by providing real time visibility to predictive cost information, the cost impact of decisions and trade-offs made at any point during the development through production process is always known. COGS reductions are directly quantifiable and measurable.

Soft savings -- Cost estimation time savings - cost management platform cost estimates are provided real time, for instant usage in decision making. Long waiting periods for cost estimates are eliminated. Product cost information can be used as a true parameter in making decisions and trade-off's.

Faster time to market - cost targets are achieved and verified earlier in the process. The critical path to product launch is no longer dependent on achieving and then verifying that cost targets have been met.

Reduction in cost related rework - knowing product costs at all times during the development through production and delivery reduces the risk (and surprise) of missed cost targets at product launch. Reducing this risk reduces the need for of cost reduction rework/redesign efforts. With cost management platform capabilities, predictive, forward looking cost estimates are available throughout the development through production delivery process, which improve accuracy and continually converge on the true economic cost of the product.

This cost information leverages existing information and data systems in a single cost platform, captures company specific costing practices, and makes this information available across the enterprise and accessible by any user in the organization.

aPriori's Cost Management Software Platform enables manufacturers to better understand product cost decisions early and throughout the product lifecycle. aPriori's Cost Management Platform empowers manufacturers to lower cost-of-goods sold (COGS), provides real-time visibility to "cost-critical" decision information, and builds critical cost knowledge to go on the business "offensive." aPriori's patent-protected cost management platform allows companies to assess, control, and reduce cost of goods sold by whole percentages. The aPriori Platform enables "Cost Knowledge Before it Matters."