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If you got hurt while working and are unable to keep doing your daily functions at the place you used to work, there are many ways for you to get your life back on track. When you place a lawsuit against a company due to personal injuries the first obstacle you will find yourself facing is that you have no proper funding to handle such case. Lawyers, preparations and many other procedures do take time and money which in your case represents a great loss.
When someone gets injured at work they are obviously unable to continue working until they recover their health, this may take several months and in some cases people don't fully recover at all, so as you see, you now have no employment your bills keep pilling up and you have no financial means to sue the company and recover for damages.
Thinking on this specific scenario, financial institutions which have specialized in this particular situation are able to analyze the case and lend you all the funding you need to get your life back on track, pay experienced attorneys and help you win the case.
Pre-settlement loans are given to people in this situation before your case has reached a favorable verdict, if you do win the case, the loan must be repaid with interests as specified in their contract, but if in the other hand you loose your case you will owe nothing to the company financing your case.
These are a few of the benefits of getting a pre-settlement loan:
- Don't risk your personal assets: Many people engage their personal assets in order to fund their case, however this is not enough when you go up against big companies which have all the funds in the world to drag a case as long as necessary, this is one of the reasons people with no financial means end up withdrawing from the case.
- Pay bills due: Having a sea of pending medical bills, car, utilities, mortgage can also render your efforts ineffective.
- Enough funds to hire a better attorney: These fees are often quite expensive so the right pre-settlement loan will help you cover them in order to place you in a better situation.
- Don't payback if you don't win your case: This is perhaps the best feature of these type of loans, if you loose your case you get to keep the money without repaying a single cent!
It is advisable that when you opt for these loans you shop around for companies which offer you the best interest rates possible which will lower the payments you will have to pay once you reach a favorable verdict