The Reason for Using Balance Transfer Credit Cards

by : Morgan Hamilton

One of the reasons a person considers a balance transfer credit card is that they wish to consolidate all their credit card debt onto one card. This makes paying down the balance easier and can also reduce monthly payment amounts. However, when people do this they may actually end up paying more. The reason for this is that even though these cards often offer no or low interest initially, it will eventually go up. So a person has to understand that they are combining all their debt into a large sum that once interest rates go back up, will cost them a huge amount of money.

The way to beat this problem is for a person to make sure they have paid down a significant amount of the balance before the interest rates go back up. It is also important that a person makes payments on time, so they do not add to their balance. Staying on top of payments and setting a plan to pay off the debt is the best way to ensure that a balance transfer credit card does the person good rather than harm. Balance transfer credit cards are great for a person who has a plan to pay off their debt. Instead of dealing with multiple credit cards, with multiple interest rates, payment dates and fees, a person is dealing with one company.

In the beginning they will usually get a low interest rate, many times no interest rate. This gives them a nice grace period to pay down their balance without the added fees. By budgeting out a plan that will get the debt balance paid down before a new, higher interest rate kicks in a person will have freed themselves from a large amount of debt. Balance transfer credit cards can be a blessing. If a person knows how to use them to their advantage they can use a balance transfer credit card to whittle away at their credit card debt. However, if a person does not have a good plan they will end up with an even larger debt than they started out with.