Software Product Documentation by :
Adriana Iordan
The ideal software would be free of errors and so easy to use that everybody would be familiar with it the minute they start the application. However, this is not the case in real life. Besides the quality of the software product, there's something else that makes or breaks the deal: technical support. The better the support software publishers and shareware authors provide, the more users are likely to buy the product. Technical support for software products can be provided in several ways:
Read Me file The first thing every software product should have is a text format "Read Me" file that includes the following:
The "Read Me" file is important because everybody who might be interested in your product is expecting it, including reviewers, users, or people who want to put your product on a CD for distribution with a magazine or on their website. The idea here is to minimize frustration associated with the information being too difficult to find, therefore you should put all in one place. The Manual The other thing shareware authors and software publishers need to provide with their product is the manual. The first thing you should think about when starting to write it is how your users are going to use it. Few are those that will bother reading it all before attempting to use your product. They are more likely to turn to it later, when they try to do something and cannot figure out how to do it, or when they find something they do not understand. To help them, it is best to organize your documentation by tasks. "How to..." sections are more useful than merely documenting every command in order. Explanations are easier to understand if they are backed by pictures and diagrams, wherever possible. There should also be a chapter labeled "Troubleshooting", which provides answers to the most common problems. At first you will have to guess where those problems may occur, but a couple of upgrades to your product later, the feedback from the people who tried the product will tell you what the most common problems are. The manual should be broken down into chapters, the first of which telling what the other chapters contain, so that people could readily find what they need. The interface Another point worth mentionning is the interface. User friendly is not enough, the interface needs to be navigatable even if the user does not have an overall systems understanding, so screens need to be self-describing. Online help or online documentation There is also online help, or online documentation. The documentation put on the website for users to read has to show up in search results. It has to be organized in such a way that users, who are sure to be asking questions like "How can I..." or "Why can't I..." can find the answers quickly. Lots of examples showing how to do various tasks with the software product are also needed. A good idea is to include links to a glossary of terms that might be more difficult to understand. Always bear in mind that anyone who has had a bad experience with a product tends to remember it for a long time and software is no different. That is why you should strive to make using your product as smooth an experience as possible, something proper support and documentation can help you achieve. Read more software marketing articles and learn how to sell software online.