by :
Johan Jeuring
How an IVA works is a matter of right financial feasible debt elimination decision taken by debtor in order to pay his debts. Working with an IVA plan is a very simple and convenient way of handling your creditors' repayment rage. Let's have a look on the term IVA, it contains three alphabets. On expanding the abbreviation, it springs out with Individual Voluntary Arrangement. An IVA is an organised debt elimination program. This program is more often than not is deemed preferable alternative to the bankruptcy.
In practice, preferring IVA to bankruptcy is due to the reason try not to resort to bankruptcy petitions. Since fee associated with the bankruptcy is high and, there are significant assets to be realised within the bankruptcy, there is, over and over again, left little for the creditors.
There are many benefits of IVA. Followings are some of the salient features of an IVA:
&bull To make one monthly payment or in some cases, a one-off lump sum
&bull An IVA is in place your creditors cannot bring any other action against you as long as u maintain your agreed monthly payment
&bull Repayment arrangement is legally binding so that your creditors cannot change their minds once they have agreed
&bull Only pay back a percentage of your debts
&bull Enable to operate a 'normal' bank account as long as it does not have an overdraft facility
&bull No publicity in the local papers
&bull An IVA remains neutral to professional status
&bull It may safeguard your property
If you are contemplating entering into an IVA program, then it is better if you actually speak to an Insolvency Practitioner involved in your case.
An Insolvency Practitioner is usually either a chartered accountant or a solicitor who must separately quality as an Insolvency Practitioner after firstly qualifying in accountancy or law.
In most of the major IVA companies there are call centers who discuss your initial debt problems to determine if you qualify for an IVA. Thereafter, there are other professional people within the IVA Company who actually prepare your IVA proposal for creditors. An Insolvency Practitioner actually signs your IVA proposal and is put forward to creditors.
Purpose is to solve the debt complexities, and how an IVA works is just mentioned above in length. Need is only of right application of mind regarding the IVA program. Today, many commercial institutions and high street building have made their businesses in prospect of taking advantage over debtors' financial malaise.
To evade from such hustle and bustle, online processing proves to be the best applying tool. Since, there is absence of confrontation between debtors and creditors, and more so, all the information regarding the fact of the IVA come before debtors just in a single click. Select and just once go through the terms and conditions of the IVA, and conclude your deal pragmatic financially.