by :
Ajeet Khurana
These days, we rarely meet people who are untouched by technology. Unless one lives in a remote village, it is hard to not be touched by the power of modern modes of communication. Technology is the driving force of the world today. And one of its greatest contributions has been in the area of communication. The growth and popularity of the telephone has transformed lives immensely. It has added to people's willingness to migrate to other parts of the world.
Even in places that have remained untouched by more recent developments like the Internet, there is usually access to a telephone.
This willingness to migrate has opened up many new avenues for businesses everywhere. Business organizations can now send their people to other places to help expand the business itself. Keeping in touch has never been easier. Even with respect to communicating with employees situated in other states and countries, things have become very simple.
For instance, if there is a company based in the United Kingdom that is planning to have bases in Asia and Africa, communication is not a problem at all.
The organization can just avail of a UK conference call service to communicate with its employees in the other continents. A UK audio conference can be very useful when trying to communicate objectives and targets to employees that are located elsewhere.
Significantly, quite a few conference call providers provide a free audio conferencing service. If an organization is trying to be judicious with its expenses, audio conferencing may be the way to go. Of course, if a greater degree of personal touch is required, a conference caller could also go in for the video conferencing service. This is quite an effective way of staying in touch with one's subordinates even while one is away for a long period. Somehow, a lot more gets said in a meeting that lasts half an hour than in three days worth of email exchanges.
Even today, there is no substitute for a business meeting where everyone concerned is present. However, in this jet-setting age, that is hardly ever possible. Top executives are constantly hopping on to flights to go and meet remote clients and get home business. If it can be helped, there is no need to interrupt their sales calls. And it can be helped these days. That is what conference calls are meant to do. In times of urgent need, when not everybody can attend a meeting, a conference call may be the way out.