The Greatest Loss Due to Failure in MLM by :
People jump out of one business and into another as if they are changing buses or trains on the way to work. This is the world of MLM. When someone starts a traditional business venture (not referring to MLM or online businesses), they have a 95% chance of failure already stacked against them. With these odds, do you think they go into their venture ready to accept failure? Absolutely Not! They want this so badly but it is extremely difficult to get a traditional business off the ground. Into the arena enters MLM and/or other online home based businesses. You see people jump in and out of business opportunities within weeks if not days and they are off to something new. What is the difference and why does it appear that failure is accepted in Multi Level Marketing? Think about this for a moment: The Greatest Loss Due to Failure in MLM is the Loss of Self Esteem. It hurts when you have to admit failure. Your Pride is damaged and your ego is deflated. Am I right? In MLM, it is easy to walk away and leave your money on the table. You will hear comments like: It didn't work for me, It's only $300, I didn't like the company, etc. We talked with a gentleman the other day that told us he was in this particular program for a year but hadn't started working it. He also did not take advantage of the company's product and we figured he already spent at least $2500. Most people are not prepared to succeed in business. This is due to being trained to become an employee as opposed to an entrepreneur. We are so use to being told what to do and how to perform task that we do not know how to run our own business. I'm not referring to the day-to-day management of our business as much as the mental mindset of being our own boss. When we fail to achieve instant success as we hear from the leaders in our industry, we begin to back off until we are no longer working the business. Eventually our business falls apart or just fails to thrive and we go off to find something new. With each failure, we walk away sooner and we put in less effort than we did previously. This is how we protect our ego. We treat our online activities as if it were a game. It is time to move on and stop playing games. There are 3 things you need to do. 1.Identify your goals and determine if your opportunity will help you meet these goals. 2.Find a marketing system that will work to effectively market your business opportunity. 3.This is the most important item! You need to constantly work on the most important part of this system- You! You have to constantly work on developing yourself professionally and emotionally. Most people do not fine-tune their goals (frankly, I'm weak in this area as well). Your business opportunity has to be a fit for your goals. Is it possible for your business opportunity to meet your financial goals through your compensation plan? Is this realistic? Is your marketing system effective for your business opportunity? There are as many marketing plans, systems, methods and programs as there are business opportunities. Be very careful with your marketing efforts and expenses. Before you spend your energy (time) or money, make sure the marketing makes sense. Most people that attend Business Colleges will study for 4 or more years just to go and work for a company as a business manager. What makes you believe you will be an instant overnight success as an entrepreneur when your only training is by the seat of your pants? I remember a mentor once stating, "I can tell you how successful a person is by the books he/she has read." If you are not listening to successful people or reading positive mental attitude books, what are you doing to improve yourself? One of my favorite authors is Napoleon Hill. Of his many books, "The Master Key to Riches" often comes to mind in a discussion of improving one's mental strengths. I will leave you with a summation of the Master Mind Principle from Napoleon Hill: "THE MASTER MIND. Through the application of this principle one begins to experience a new and a greater sense of power which is not available to the individual mind, as it bridges one's personal deficiencies and provides him, when necessary, with any portion of the combined knowledge of mankind which has been accumulated down through the ages."