I Have A Vision

by : John Delavera

I have a vision.

I know I am not that Big to have such a vision, but this is my vision.

I want to retire from my morning job and deal with Internet Marketing only. I like to create websites, love to plan new products, am passionate with the promotion of good products and services, am able to write html code, am able to create good graphics and clipart, am able to read cgi and Perl code, am able to invent things, and sometimes can predict my future.

I have this incredible vision. And I am going to make it a reality. I started working on this less than a year ago. I have been studying and testing things for my vision since 1994. I know I am not an amateur, but even if I were, I should have the same vision, because I have the will to make it come true.

I have this amazing vision. And that vision makes me feel good - even when I feel completely alone, even when I get hate mails from people who want the easy solution for becoming 'tycoons', or even when I fail while testing new ideas and viral marketing tactics, even when I lose subscribers because of my mistake of sending too many "Alerts" in a particular week. Do you think I don't know it? But I prefer my subscribers to have a vision too, instead of being aristocrats (believing they have won what they haven't worked for.)

My vision makes me feel good because I realize that this vision is my vision for this 'current life'. I do not think there will be anything else I'd like to do, since only when working for this vision do I relax, feeling 'completed' and satisfied - like having a mental orgasm. My vision is what I live for and if I do not make this vision a reality in this life, then I'd need to be re-born in order to make my vision become true in my next life - if that'd be possible.

I have a vision and I love even the idea of having this vision. My friend Michael started calling me 'web-tycoon' before even understanding that I have the power to implement my vision. Michael knew me better than I knew myself. I do not know if I ever will become a memorable Internet Marketing Guru. I do not know and I do not care. I live my vision and that's enough for me. Money is not the target; it is the MEANS to make my vision come true.

I have a vision and work like crazy for it. It's my 'drug' and I don't need any cure. I am a workaholic, yes, but I enjoy what I am doing. Whenever I finish a project, I have already started a new one, and this continues all day long. That makes me wake up in the morning and smile, because I know I 'DID' something last night. I ADDED something to my vision, and perhaps, made me even closer to my vision.

I have had this same vision for the past four years. I had the same vision even when I was not able to make just one affiliate commission. I had the same vision even when nobody knew who I was and I had the same vision even when I was completely wrong in the actions I took to implement my vision. Now I know that I don't know everything, but I know that everyday I am learning many more things than I did yesterday.

I have this lovely vision and am not afraid of admitting it. I know it's difficult to see it coming true but I know it’ll. I know it because I now know that the System works and I also know how it works. If you can earn $100 per month as an affiliate, you can earn some thousands of dollars by creating your own product. That's the System and that's how the Internet works. I love my vision because the marketplace of the Internet is huge. I am a Global Citizen. I feel like an Internet Marketer and I feel like a citizen of the World.

I had this vision when no one believed in me. I had the same vision even when my parents, my wife, and my friends were feeling frustrated by the fact that I was 'playing' with the computer for so many hours. Now I laugh and now they support me; they give me the time I need and they feel good when I hit the keyboard like crazy because they NOW know that when I hit the keyboard, 'I am working' - for my vision.

I have this vision and sympathize with all people who do not understand the way Internet Marketing works and don't want me to teach them how it works. I learn from others' mistakes. I do not complain because I know I am learning something new every day.

I have a vision and my vision is not unique. Since I started working for it, I've met people that have made the same reality that I want to achieve. I study them, I sometimes copy them, and I know I follow the right trails they leave. Some people with the same vision believe there is a SECRET and they ask the Gurus to learn this secret from them. There is a SECRET. It's this: THERE IS NO SECRET. I could not believe it at first, but as I’m becoming closer to my vision, I realized this rule, this truth: YOU and ONLY YOU are the one that will create YOUR own life and your future according to what YOU can do better; thus the secret is inside YOU; just follow your heart and your mind.

I have this vision and I can see it becoming true… I would never have believed I'd be able to do such a thing because I had been thinking that people would laugh at me. That was wrong. When you know where you're going, other people allow you to pass and they even prepare the road for you. Your worst enemy is your inner self – no one else has the power to kill your vision. If your inner self is an ally to your vision, then you are afraid of nothing.

I have a vision and I am going to make it come true.

What's YOUR vision?
What do YOU have to say?

John Delavera