Mold Air Purifier by :
While many people are truly concerned about pollens and treat it as a seasonal threat, there are not many who are too sure about what threats a mold could possess. There are those who feel that they are the source of some unpleasant air but do not pose any health threats, there are others who know that molds can have serious effects on our lungs and respiratory tract but are not quite sure if air purifiers can help. Let us accept the fact that molds are part of the nature and they are not bad by themselves. They play a vital role in the decomposition of leaves and trees. But their importance is limited to outdoors. They are not meant to be indoors and they have nothing useful to do indoors. In fact if they find moist or wet surfaces they can easily multiply and can be a cause for your discomfort or even illness. Problem with molds are that they are much too small to be trapped by the cilia in our sinuses and are not big enough to be exhaled out. So once breathed in with air, it gets lodged in the lung tissue. Now some of these molds, called mycotoxins can be toxic in nature and that is a severe threat to our health. The molds can also cause allergic reactions in many and it can aggravate asthmatic problems. The best purifiers to deal with mold are the ones which come with HEPA filters. A HEPA filter is built to trap any particulate larger than 0.3 microns. The size of molds generally vary between 3 to 100 microns although there are some that can be as small as 1 micron. So, with a HEPA filter in place you will be able to tackle all the molds that may be there in your room. Electronic air purifiers are also effective at removing molds as they are large enough in size to be trapped by the electronic versions. However, these purifiers will not be able to address the issue of odors which come with molds. For that you have to have a purifier which comes with activated carbon filter which absorbs the odor. So, in a way, molds in our home pose an invisible threat. We might not see them, but it can really bother us as we can either have allergic reactions or someone having a history of asthma severely affected by it.