Ideas When Working with Wood by :
Today hand tools for woodworking serve a variety of functions and also come in a multitude of shapes and sizes. There are many types of hand tools from cutting tools, hammers, measuring tools, pliers, screwdrivers and shaping tools to name but a few. But in this particular article we will look at where you can find hand tool woodworking projects and what sorts of projects you may want to consider. Although it may take you a little more time to learn how to use a hand tool correctly, but with the right tools and a little bit of persistence on your part you could really enjoy making some of the projects shown below. But before you start any project you need to buy the right tools. The best ones to buy are those that have been used and especially ones with older brand names to them. Planes made by Stanley and saws produced by Disston are good names to look for. But you must make sure that they have not been abused and well cared for. When looking for details on woodworking projects that use hand tools only you could first take a trip to your local library or bookstore. They will have plenty of books on the subject. However, if the thought of going down to your local bookstore does not appeal to you then take a look on the Internet. There are plenty of sites around that offer you projects online that you pay for and then can download on to your computer. Also some of these sites offer free plans to their visitors and each one comes with a different degree of difficulty to them. Certainly many of these sites will offer you simple projects to do initially such as making a chopping board for your wife's kitchen. It is a pretty easy project to do and will only need the simplest of hand tools to complete it. Another such project that you may want to consider when first starting out using hand tools in your woodworking shop is an oak mailbox. Again this is a great project for someone who is looking for something simple to get him or her started. So why not do a search of the Internet today and see what hand tool woodworking projects you can find. You are sure to find one that will suit your skills and you will soon be on the way to learning how to work with wood using hand tools.