About SMS Messaging by :
SMS messaging or the short message service messaging is a very popular mobile interaction method these days. Due to its low cost nature this service is highly popular among the teenagers these days. First you have to know some important facts and trivia about the SMS messaging service. Basically the idea of SMS messaging was come in the early 1980s. But this service was come to an effect in 1985 for and to GSM mobile handsets only. After that it became available for each and every telecom technology like CDMA, AMPS, Satellite phones and even Landlines too. Surprisingly, some online messengers are also providing the messenger to mobile and mobile to messenger SMS facilities. Basically SMS is a short message of at most 160 characters, which can be written by using mobile keypads in general. It can be sent from a mobile to another mobile. To overcome the limitation of the 160 character limit the Long message service is also there. Long Message service is nothing but the collection of some SMSs. Basically a Long Message of more than 160 character uses to divide itself in some 160 character SMS. Then each and every 160-character phrase sent one by one to the receiver’s mobile phone. Generally all the digital mobile phones do have the feature of short message service option. Due to the improvement of SMS some monophonic ring tones can also be sent through SMS using some special format. Later the scope of SMS was increased and the technology enables the man to send likes of pictures and video clips using GPRS system from one mobile set to another. But this service is named Multimedia Messaging Service or simply the MMS. But now it is possible to do something like MMS through SMS. The SMS can be sent in special text formatting in likes of bold and italics. Also some icons, animations, sound effects, pictures, and special ring tones can be sent through SMS these days. This type of Short Messaging Service is known as Enhanced Messaging Service or simply the EMS. According to the researchers this EMS service is the intermediate stage between the SMS system and the MMS system. But this EMS system seems to grab some rapid popularity! Now, the following statistics about the Short Message Service seems to be really interesting. In 1995, the initial stages of SMS, each and every customer used to send a SMS once in every two and half month. Again, in early 2000s each and every customer was sending some 30 to 40 SMS in every month. Again some 9 Million SMS were sent among the mobile users in the very first day of 2007 that’s too only in UK! Short Message Service is too much successful due its low cost nature. Again you need not to reply at that instant when you receive the SMS. These are the some of the facts that makes the SMS really popular. Some literature minded people do believe that the short nature of words will kill the art of literature some day. But to people, interaction is more important than the literature. So here is the high possibility the progress of the SMS system will continue.