Quick Weight Loss Tips: 4 Great Ways to Lose Weight

by : Star Smith

Are you on the diet yo yo?

You know the feeling, you lose a few pounds and then gain them back the next week because you can't stick to the strict regimented diet. If you're having trouble losing weight, you're not alone. While it's possible for you to lose weight quickly, you also need to keep in mind that you don't want to lose more than 1 or 2 pounds per week, anything more than that can be unhealthy.

Of course, if you happen to lose five or ten pounds in a week, then that means your body is flushing out extra water weight and probably some toxins. However, don't count on this happening every week.

Keep in mind that while the cabbage diet may cause you to drop weight quickly, you'll gain those pounds back, and then some, because there's no way you can sustain yourself eating only cabbage for more than a few days. Let's get real.

The truth is that every time you starve your body, it will go into defense mode and store each and every calorie you consume for survival. So, when you give in and eat that big, juicy burger with large fries and a coke, your body will hold onto those calories for dear life, after all, you just tried to starve yourself to death - that's the way your metabolism works, like it or not.

Be smart about your weight loss plan and you'll see the results you want.

Here are some tips that can help you to lose a reasonable amount of weight quickly:

Eat a Good Breakfast

Did you know that you can burn 5% more calories when you eat breakfast in the morning?

That's right. Your body is a wonderful machine that thrives on fuel, just like cars do. When you give it fuel in the morning, your metabolism will run at optimal speed, which then burns up more calories.

Throw Out Your Junk Food

Go through your cupboards and throw out all of those fatty snacks that you love so much. You can't afford to have this stuff hanging around always tempting you to cheat.

After you've gotten rid of the unhealthy foods, replace them with healthy snacks that you'll enjoy. Discover the wonderful flavor of fresh fruit again. Nuts and raisins are also a great snack food, as well as, dried fruit.

Wait until you feel hungry before your reach for a snack.

Put Out a Tip Jar

Make your own tip jar and put it somewhere safe. Every time you achieve one of your weight loss goals, put a dollar or two into your tip jar - or maybe even splurge and pay yourself five or ten dollars.

This is your reward money for doing a good job and sticking to your goals.
It'll be fun once you've reached your desired weight and you can take your reward money and go shopping for something special.

Dance Around

If you love music, you can pop in a CD or put on your ipod and wiggle and jiggle your way through some fun exercise. Dancing is a great way to get your body moving and your circulation flowing again. Even if you can only do the two-step, moving from side to side is way better than just sitting on the couch for several hours.

I hope these tips will help you with your weight loss goals and I wish you much success in losing those extra pounds and keeping them off for good.