by :
Andreas Lee
Research on using water for gas to run a car is going on from a long time. It is already a proven fact that a higher amount of energy can be derived from water. To save a lot of money on petrol and gas, people are trying hard to create their cars which can run on water. You can run your car on water by modifying it so that it uses less gasoline and utilizes the energy from water.
The very evident question which comes to every mind is where does the energy to run your car on water comes from? We need to use hydro power from water to actually run the car. Hydrogen generators are required here to run your car on water.
Now, does using water for gas means 100% usage of water? No, it means using the energy of water which thereby increases gas mileage. This can be done very easily by attaching a small vessel of water to the battery of your car. The electricity from the car battery will convert water into a gas called HHO or Oxy Hydrogen.
The HHO gas combines with the fuel that is used in the car to generate more power and increase gas mileage. This higher energy can be used to run your car on water. The method came into use only after 20 years of research in a project named Project Energy.
By utilizing the above method one actually is mixing gasoline with water. This is turn is converting water into a fuel. As a result water is used as a fuel and there is less usage of gasoline. Water is a natural resource and is easily available and thus reduces your cost of running a car.
As you drive such a car, some of the water will be converted to gas. This conversion of using water and gas together will thereby cut the cost of running a car and also increase gas mileage as a whole. Researches on this have shown almost a hike of 85% in gas mileage. Several hundreds or even thousands of dollars would be saved if you run your car on water. Though, at the very beginning you will either require the help of a mechanic or a guidance manual. Utilize the power of water as fuel and this will not only save money but also help to make a cleaner and safer environment.
If you can save hundreds of dollars every month, what are you waiting for, you can discover how people have done it successfully at .