by :
Bryan Burbank
Be careful not to get screwed by a car dealership, this is something that happens more than you think it does. You must make yourself aware of the common dealer traps and tricks they use. The dealer sometimes will scam you into paying more than necessary. These types of scams happen everyday at some car lots.
Dealers like you to think they are acting in your best interest, but they are more concerned with their bottom line than with how much extra they can get out of you. You need to be careful of several non needed extras. Your dealer might recommend a windshield etching to deter thieves from steeling your car. You do not need to pay their price, when you can get it for only $25 are so online.
Do not take them up on any loan guarantee offer, there will be big penalties to pay to the dealer if you can not pay your loan, also your credit score will suffer.
Also they love to get you into the trap of affordable payment, does not matter how much the car's cost is and how many fees they add, so long as you can make a certain monthly payment, this is just a way to confuse you on what you are actually paying over the entire loan.
they love to add these fees into what they call dealer prep cost, oh you can pay an extra $1,800, you already have agreed to $28,000. It is important that this charge be negotiated and that you know what the price is before you sign anything.
Only you decide whether a extended warranty is for you or not. Also be careful about the APR game, they call you the next day and say that you were not approved, but they have another lender that will approve you, but they don't tell you the rate has just gone up. It is a good idea to have your financing in place ahead of time.
You are in charge here and if you make plans ahead of time and do not let them bully you, you will come out a winner.