Essential Trailer Hitch Accessories

by : Elizabeth Morgan

There are a number of trailer hitch accessories that make thehitches easier to operate safely. Some accessories, like trailerhitch balls, ball mounts and hitch receivers are necessary forthe hitch to be usable. Other trailer hitch accessories, likehitch locks are convenient and make the hitches easier to useand maintain.

The hitch ball is the part of the trailer hitch that the cargois attached to. Hitch balls are usually made of chrome oranother strong metal. Bigger, heavier hitch balls can bear moreweight than smaller ones. Hitch balls are removable and can bechanged if another size is needed.

The hitch ball is usually connected to a ball mount. The ballmount is a hollow metal square that slides into the trailerhitch receiver opening. Trailer hitch ball mounts come in avariety of sizes to fit different trailer hitch receiveropenings. Some ball mounts are curved to let the user attach theball lower or higher than the trailer hitch opening toaccommodate trailers with different socket heights. Other ballmounts are extra long and come in handy when hauling horsetrailers and other irregularly shaped trailers.

Trailer hitch receivers are similar to bumpers. They arehorizontal bars fastened to the rear of the truck. They have anopening that accommodates the ball mount. Once the ball mount islocked in the receiver opening, the trailer hitch can beattached to its cargo.

Trailer hitch locks are similar to hitch covers except that theycan be locked into place and only taken off with a key. Theseare useful for security and can keep water and debris out of thehitch receiver opening.

Some trailer hitch accessories are needed for the hitch to workproperly, while others merely make it easier and more convenientto use the hitch