All New Zen

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Marut Udyog, a legendry in the auto industry always has some thing new for Indians. And especially with their partnership with the Suzuki has given them more opportunity to explore and prove themselves not only domestically but also globally. They concentrate more on the small car segment as it is the best suited for the Indian families, though they have proved in other segments too.
The most 'cutie' looking model was the 'Zen' which is replaced by the new Zen Estilo. It was one of the amazingly comfortable to drive car in the city traffic. A complete and perfect car for a small family. It is really sad that the company stopped the production of the Zen with bringing out the new Estilo. The latest invention of Maruti is definitely a hot looking car with style and performance. It looks like an upgraded version of WagonR from almost all the sides and big head lamps. The taillamp are big that suits the design. It comes with comfort and ease like a perfectly fitting costume. Zen Estilo pleases everybody with its comfortable and useful features that will attract and interests the masses. The older Zen was cutie and this baby also looks good with a rugged touch, that is portrayed by the wheel arches indicating that it not labeled as a 'male' or 'female' car.

The model is empowered with 1061cc engine, where as the old Zen 700cc engine with the average fuel economy. The engine is close to that of a WagonR and in terms with accessories it a pretty fine and also includes an 'Aero Kit'. As all the good things are accompanied by some bad things too, it also has some cons like as you accelerate to the higher speed, the engine protest making slight noise, when compared with the old Zen, the power of the engine lags behind in its performance in Estilo. And there is nothing unique about the cars that will distinguish Estilo with other models of Maruti.