by :
Joseph Lane
If the Real Estate industry had a Hall of Fame I wonder who would be on the list? Would it include famous real estate agents that have sold a large numbers of properties? Would the Real Estate Hall of Fame list include well known name brand large realty companies? Maybe the list would have early pioneers in the Real Estate market. Maybe it will include popular present day television Real Estate personalities like Armando Montelongo. Or would it also include famous structures and buildings?
If there was a Real Estate Hall of Fame, the members would probably have had success on some level within the real estate industry. There may be special suit jackets with a unique color that the Real Estate Hall of Fame members would wear.
Would the inductees go to Disney World after the ceremony? What state and city would host the Real Estate Hall of Fame building?
How many new members would be inducted every year? There would be many things to consider if their was a Hall of Fame for Real Estate. Would television shows like the Arts and Entertainment channels 'Flip This House' make the list of Hall of Fame status. Armando Montelongo had success himself and now has a TV show. Maybe that would qualify for the Real Estate Hall of Fame. Who knows. Maybe the building the Real Estate Hall of Fame was on would be purposely sold every year on a specific day. Would there be Real Estate Hall of Fame parades? Would there be Real Estate Hall of Fame performers for the celebration? How much money would a person earn for the prize of making it in the Real Estate Hall of Fame? Would there be a ring involved? If so, how many diamonds would be on the ring? Who would come to the Real Estate Hall of Fame to see it?
There are many things to consider if we did have a Real Estate Hall of Fame.