Bikram Yoga

The heat is on. Yoga, a form of ancient meditation, is the new name card for A-listers and normal people alike. Based highly on forms of muscle stretching, this global trend is the new gym, but less stressful, and more serene. Think deep breathing, instead of thumping feet.

The latest rage is Bikram Yoga, otherwise known as hot yoga. Practised in a room heated at 40 degrees, it focuses on two breathing techniques and variants of postures. Perfect for different fitness levels and ages, Bikram Yoga is done over a time span of 90 minutes for full benefits. This activity’s benefits include better sleeping patterns, stress reduction, and vast improvements with ailments such as chronic indigestion, heart problems and asthma. Being the only licensed hot yoga centre here in Singapore , the postures are gentle enough for the ladies, with enough high impact movements to challenge the men.

Yoga Bikram

However, the temperature might need some getting used to. First timers might experience slight nauseous ness, which is perfectly normal. Comments from other users is that, after a few classes you will actually get used to it and start feeling the differences not long after. This is because the heat helps the muscles to relax, improve blood circulation and of course, burn fatty acids faster. The one thing you can do to prepare is drink lots of water before the class, and also make sure to bring your own water during the class.

Unlike most centres, the katong outlet is less intimidating than most. It is rescued from the overly-used Zen approach, with mere touches of water sounds and calm lighting. Those in doubt can always drop in for a trial and see if they can take the heat. It may be new and foreign, but this is the only way to push your own boundaries and step out of your comfort zone.