Feng Shui Advantage by :
It is a common practise in the eastern countries that Feng Shui masters are consulted for their homes and offices. This is applicable for corporate executives and more so for Entrepreneurs. Why are Feng Shui so important to these people? Will Feng Shui really improve our life, luck and businesses? First, let's us understand the concept of Luck. There are 3 types of luck in the centuries old Chinese belief. This so called Trinity of Luck are equally distributed, that is 33.33% each. We can do something to 2 of them to improve our luck and there is only one we cannot control. Let me explain. Heaven Luck - this is luck that has already been fixed by the heavens for you the day you are born. We do not and will not have control over it. Called it Fate. This is done by reading your palm, calculate your date of birth and some times reading your face. Earth Luck - This is the environment we are in which deal with our locations and the things around us. We can use Feng Shui to enhance good forces or to prevent any bad forces that can affect us. This is the reason why you opt-into my page and you want to know more and do something to improve your luck. Human Luck - This is about yourself and your upbringing. It is about what you can achieve through education and willingness to work hard towards your goals. You can definitely control this luck. Therefore, having the right mindset and attitude is important. The right mind to believe that there is a science of getting rich while applying Feng Shui, you already control 66.66% of the Luck you need for your life! It is not uncommon to see many eastern entrepreneurs re-arrange their office to cater for good Feng Shui in order to usher good luck and prosperity. They are also aware that Human Luck is also important to their success. A person's attitude to work, interpersonal relationship and the quest to learn is important. To improve human luck, one needs to have continuous educations and refinements in their skills. This is what the west is good at. They have developed management science that the east are looking for. China is now learning all the skills that have been developed by the west. Many techniques such as goal settings, project managements, software and manufacturing techniques and business franchising just to name a few. If we combine the knowledge of the East and West together, we can achieve success with more certainty. In a New York Times interview in 1994, billionaire Donald Trump commented: "Feng Shui is another element in which you can have the advantage over your competition...This is something we cannot ignore."