Educational Toys: Making Kids Smart By Having Fun

By: Rony Pollock

Kids are like sponges. They absorb. But the similarity ends there. While sponges absorb, they shrink and disintegrate before long. Kids, on the other hand, soak up day to day experiences and when the right mindsets are instilled, they continually thrive. That’s why it’s important for parents like you to carefully select the toys they play with. Associating fun and play with learning is a fundamental aspect of every child’s growth. And one of the best ways to make this happen is through educational toys.

It All Starts at Home

The home front is crucial to a child’s development. This is where curiosity is first explored. This is where a child learns about colors, shapes, and sounds, what Yes and No mean, and that asking “why" can almost always generate an explanation. The first lessons brought about by childhood generally come from the people around the household. That’s why all activities of your kid should be carefully selected. The right books, appropriate TV programs, and educational toys can supplement and enhance your child’s learning process, making the early stages of learning easier and enjoyable.

Lessons of Playtime

Playing is every child’s first priority. Playtime may only seem to provide pure entertainment, but it is also an integral part of your child’s mental and emotional growth. While it’s good to provide children opportunities for skill formation, such as music or art classes, it’s also ideal to give them ample time to play. Doing so, would provide the following benefits:

- Personality development
- Awareness of their potentials
- Promote independent thinking
- An avenue for creative thinking and problem solving
- Improvement their motor skills
- Enhance their ability to think and communicate
- Value-formation

Guidance is essential to bring out the best in children. But it doesn’t mean that you should totally organize the whole experience for your child. The important thing is to provide supervision and the appropriate tools for play and let your child take it from there.

Toys that Fit

Giving your child high-quality educational toys will liven up and enhance the process of sensory and learning development. The right toys for the right age needs to be considered too. A rattle wouldn’t capture the interest a five-year-old kid. Here’s a quick guide on what educational toys children may enjoy at a certain age:

Infants – The keywords are soft, safe, and colorful. Vividly colored rattles and squeaky toys will stimulate their sense of touch, sight, and hearing.

1 to 2 years – This is a stage where children start learning how to maneuver the things in their hands. They are also beginning to discover that some things are paired together. Toddlers will enjoy building blocks and toys that will allow them to identify and match shapes.

2 to 3 years – Children are beginning to get more creative at this age. They like role playing with other kids or by themselves. Puzzles, Play Cubes, and educational toys that stir their imagination are the best options.

4 to 5 years – Kids are into creative thinking and decision-making by this age. Educational toys that can help enhance these developments include puzzle games and constructions toys.

As children grow older, they become more independent in their choices of what toys to play with. They usually forego free play for games that involve rules and friends. They learn to be competitive. This is the time where parents’ guidance is most crucial. But if you’ve established the foundation by providing your child with educational toys early on, then you may have a child who’s well-developed emotionally and smart to boot.

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