Baby Monitors

By: Saviz Artang

Baby Monitors are a great tool parents need to keep tabs on their infants and a must have item to alert parents to any problems their baby may be having. But how do you choose the right baby monitor? How many different kinds are there? Which brand names are better than others? What features should I look for when choosing a baby monitor?

In this article, I will help you answer those questions. When they first started selling baby monitors, they were really just small intercoms. You put them near your baby so you would know when they woke up and started to cry. New technology and designs have improved since then and increased the number of options you have to choose from.

There are millions of baby monitors in use today to help parents watch over their babies. Some features of the new monitors include visual monitoring, sound sensors, and movement sensors. Here are some of the monitors you might want to consider when choosing one for your baby.

Receivers are one of the important features you need to consider when choosing the type of baby monitor you want to buy. Do you want one or more receivers for different rooms of the house? Would you like a baby monitor that you can attach to your clothing to carry around with you? How lightweight and transportable is the receiver? Is the receiver going to be battery operated or will they need an electrical outlet? Those are questions you want to ask yourself before making your choice.

Experts recommend the monitors that are battery operated and attach to your clothing with a belt clip. That way you are never out of range and can hear if your baby needs you. The baby monitors that do run on batteries need to have an alarm that tell you when the batteries are low, otherwise you may hear nothing and think everything is ok, when it’s just not working anymore.

The range of the baby monitor’s receiver is a very important option you need to take into account when purchasing one. Many less expensive baby monitors have a range of only 100 feet, while some of the better baby monitors have a range of 400 feet or more. I would opt for the one with longer range, since you don’t know when you may need to go into the garage or yard to do something and you still want to be able to monitor what is happening in your baby’s room.

Baby Monitors also come with more than one channel. You can monitor two rooms or more with the better ones. If your baby monitor is to have more than one channel, it should have an easy way to switch channels.

Volume control is essential. You need an easy way to control the volume of your baby’s monitor for different situations. Many people ignore this feature when buying a baby monitor, then wish they had it later when company arrives or other noise interferes with you listening to your baby.

The mounts for the baby monitor are important as well. Surface mounts, clips, or hangars? Those are just some of the options available to you. Decide which is better for you and add it to the features you are looking for in a baby monitor.

The best advice I can give you is to plan what features you want to have before you begin searching for a baby monitor, then only settle for a monitor that has all the features you wanted, regardless of price. This may be one of the most important items you ever buy for your baby.

Try it out in the store if they will allow it. If not, make sure there is a good return policy if it does not perform the way you want it to. Make sure it has no static and the sound is of good quality. Don’t settle for a second-rate product where monitoring your baby is concerned.


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