Container gardening can be very convenient for individuals with minimal space in their homes or those who wish to have plants inside their homes. Container gardening enables the gardener to bring in a splash of color to their homes. Compared to single pots, most containers used in container gardening are relatively large and can contain several plants of the same species or of different species.
Choosing A Container For You Garden
One thing that you should consider when choosing a container is the kind of plant you wish to put in the container. Some vegetables require deeper pots for their roots to burrow into while others do not require as much space. Container gardening mediums vary from containers such as plastic pots, terracotta containers and wooden boxes.
Plastic containers for container gardening tend to discolor in time and may also eventually be susceptible to cracks and deterioration. Unglazed terracotta containers will dry up eventually and may be prone to breakage as well as being heavy to cart around. Glazed terracotta containers are ideal since the glaze seals them and protect them from drying up. Wooden containers are prone to rot although choosing wood that is not susceptible to rotting is an option.
One advantage of wooden containers for container gardening is that these can be made to fit the specifications of the area you wish to put your plants in. You must bear in mind that treated wood that you will use for container gardening can affect your plants so ask what chemicals were used to treat the lumber before you buy.
Containers used for container gardening must also have a wide opening for better plant growth. The containers must also have appropriate drainage to prevent root rot and other root damage. For containers with big drainage holes, you can line the bottom inside part of the container with news paper to prevent soil loss.
Most container gardening are for indoors plants so it is best to consider the areas where they are placed. Sunlight is one thing to consider as well as the temperature in the area. Some plants need more sunlight than others so make it a point to ask or find out what kind of care your plants need.
Container gardening can be especially satisfying when you plant herbs or vegetables that you place in your kitchen for fresh use when you are cooking. Live plants can also bring color to any area of your home.
I recently met someone who makes very unique hanging gardens. He sews burlap into a long tube, inserts a thick piece of wire about 5 or 6 inches longer than the tube and then fills the burlap tube with dirt. The wire must be bendable, but not so soft that it will lose its shape. Poke it out the bottom of the tube slightly, and bend it at a tight angle to act as an anchor. Form the top of the wire into a loop which can then be fastened to a hook and hung. These tubes of earth can be bent into coils or curves in whatever way that suits your amusement, or just left long and straight.
Plant anything in your hanging tube: strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes and basil are all suggestions I've made before. Another idea is edible flowers. Nasturtium with leaves and flowers which are both edible, is quite peppery, A bonus of nasturtium is it grows on a long vine, making it perfect for the hanging container. For a mild and sweet edible flower try pansy, or the cucumber tasting borage. All of these are easy to grow from seed.
To plant your hanging garden tube, just cut very small holes in the burlap with scissors. Seeds can be pressed right into the vertical surface of the soil. If you wish to plant seedlings, you will want to prepare the holes in the tube ahead of time and insert the plants as you fill the tube with soil.
Adding a slow-release fertilizer will help your densely packed plants thrive in such a small amount of soil. This burlap tube method of hanging garden will need to be watered often to prevent it from drying out, as it is such a small volume of soil. A water-retaining substance added to the soil can help maintain moisture, but too much compromises the nutrient levels as it takes away from the quantity of soil. A liquid fertilizer could counter-act this affect, being effectively held in the water-retentive soil additive
Of course all of these planting ideas can be used for on-the-ground container gardening, too. In fact, a combination of both ground and hanging containers could make any porch or balcony a lush oasis. The addition of edibles adds to the rewards.
Both Benjamin Brook & Nelson Stewart are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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