Conventional baccarat gaming strategies usually don't work because there are not that many ways to turn the game around and make it more profitable. You can either bet on a tie game, bet on your hand or bet on the dealer's hand. Either way you look at it you get close to a 33% chance of success, which is not high but its still better than playing other casino games!
Certain effective strategies have been designed to beat these odds and get winning hand on this exciting game. Lets take a look at some of the game facts:
Baccarat is sometimes an intimidating game because it is played in a special, VIP or segregated rooms reserved for high rollers. But the fact is that this game could not be any less scary if it was only tried. Baccarat is a game of pure chance. The purpose of the game is to be able to guess and guess correctly if the player or the banker’s hand will come closest to a total of 9. Each card number 2 through 9 is set at the face value. The aces are one point, the Jack, Queens, and Kings are zero points and the tens are equivalent to zero as well. The hand which has the highest total will win. The highest total of any hand cannot be higher than 9. You may be thinking that, that is impossible but in the world of baccarat gambling anything is possible.
The game of baccarat can either be played with a table full of players or by yourself. One of the nicest characteristics of baccarat is with so many players strategically playing their hands, you have the chance to sit out and think about your next move or jump in and play every hand.
When playing alone, some casinos will let you to play both sides of the table if you are trying to watch for runs and are using charts to find patterns. If a casino refuses to let you play both sides of the table, then don't play alone until another player joins the game.
Even though baccarat is fairly simple to learn and master, it is one of the more popular choices for high-rolling, VIP players. Online or virtual casinos offer a wide variety of baccarat betting limits but many actual casinos (Vegas, Tahoe, etc) only offer baccarat in high-minimum limits and, as previously pointed out, in a separated area from the main casino to offer the VIP players privacy.
In order to be successful in this game you need to come up with a logical and effective strategy otherwise you'll be playing to either win 33% of the time or loose 66% of it.
If you're at all skeptical like me, your eyes roll and your stomach turns when you review the results of online searches for terms like "work from home," or "make money at home," "make $4,000 per week, from anywhere" and the like. Even though the search results slam you in the face with modern-day snake oil salesmen, thrusting ridiculous trappings of wealth in front of your eyeballs - fancy cars, luxurious homes, shiny suits - some of them actually are worth considering. The trick is to look past the sensationalism toward the substance, because you might be pleasantly surprised.
All of these claims can't be true, can they? You know the ones - the single mom who, in the old days, with 17 kids, battling an addition to crack, living out of a box managed to raise herself out of the gutter and now lives in a $2,000,0000 home on the water, owns 11 Rolls Royces, etc. etc. etc.?
Wanna hear the dirty little secret that the people behind these systems don't want you to know? At least 95% of the people who buy their offering FAIL.
Does that mean that the hapless users, who plunked down their hard-earned money (or financed it on credit cards), got ripped off?
Surprisingly, the answer is "not necessarily." Here's what I mean.
The biggest determinant as to whether someone will be successful has less to do with the actual system than with the person himself. Sure, there are legions of flawed methods or business opportunities out there. But understand two things:
1. No system is perfect. 2. It's better to implement a flawed system than nothing at all.
Let's take a quick look at each point just made. First, I hope I'm not disappointing you, but there is no such thing as a perfect, 100% automated, risk-free business opportunity. Some systems require less human intervention than others, but if you believe the claims that something works all by itself, you're being extremely unrealistic.
(In other breaking news the Tooth Fairy was recently proven to be fictitious and serious doubt was cast on the existence of the Easter Bunny. Sorry to let you down.)
So you get the point - you will need to be involved at least somewhat, because the myth of a business that works completely on autopilot is just that, a myth. But just because it's impossible to totally automate your business does not mean that you should not try to eliminate your involvement as much as possible.
Because, just like in any business, most of the tasks involved can be handled by low level, or 7 dollar an hour employees or assistants. If you want to make real money, like $4,000 plus per week working only two hours per day, you've unconsciously made a decision about what your time is worth. Check out what I mean.
Assuming you work six days a week (you should take off at least ONE day, for the love of Pete!), two hours a day, or 12 hours per week; and your income goal is $4,000. $4,000 divided by 12 hours is $333. You've decided that your time is worth $333 per hour. So if you're involved with a business that requires manual labor, like licking stamps, data entry and other administrative activities that can be handled by a $7.00 per hour high school part-timer, you're actually losing $326 per hour.
The answer is to delegate as many of these low-level activities as you can, either to technology or to other humans who are paid less than what your time is worth.
You, on the other hand, should be spending as much of your time as possible on high-yielding activities; i.e. those that bring in the big bucks! Marketing, sales, strategic alliances with other potential joint venture partners, whatever. Anything designed to bring in bucks!
By the way, one important book that I'd whole-heartedly recommend to you is the "E-Myth" by Michael Gerber. The first book; I've never read any of his follow-up E-Myth books. It's still in print and available at Amazon and everywhere else.
Let's move on to the second point - you're better off implementing a flawed system than doing nothing.
I believe that procrastination is the biggest obstacle to success. I'm guilty of it; so ar you; We all fight this demon to some extent or another. But I understand the main reason why people delay taking action - usually it's out of fear of the unknown. They're uncertain that the path they are considering will work out the way they hope; thus, they're not committed.
This is not a new problem - it's embedded in our genetic code. A famous Greek myth describes a battle waged by a small, outnumbered army against a larger, more powerful force. The general of the small army led his fleet across the sea, landed on enemy shores and, before going into battle, set fire to all of his soldiers' ships. They understood that there was no turning back - that's commitment!
Shakespeare's Hamlet also is a famous example of waffling, indecisive figure. The reason Hamlet, like all of Shakespeare's works, endures is because of his accurate portrayal of the human condition. So hesitation is nothing new!
Understand this, however: there is no perfect time to launch a new venture; no magical moment when the starts align and all of your over-analyzed details are neatly categorized and pointing to clear action. There is always risk. In any entrepreneur's life, there is always a moment when he or she must take a leap of faith. Sometimes there are several such moments.
Ironically, the bigger, more common risk is the risk of doing nothing. If you don't act, even with a flawed plan, you are almost certain to continue down a path that you're trying to avoid, such as piling up bills, being unhappy at work, whatever. If you don't commit to trying something new, giving it your all, I can almost guarantee you that you'll fail.
I guess that's not so much of a risk as it is a near-certainty!
I hope you found this article provocative and consider it next time you're faced with a business decision.
Both I C & Andrew Lockwood are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Andrew Lockwood has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Based Business, College Student Loan and Finances. Andy Lockwood is a direct marketing business geek who likes making money the "lazy man's" way - automatically, without cold calling or chasing down prospects. Visit his newest money-making site - it's not MLM and does not involve cold calling or other di. Andrew Lockwood's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Andrew Lockwood to your Favourites.