Article marketing has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass print has been available. Article Marketing is seen as a powerful tool to help advertise your business. It is a type of advertising by writing short articles related to a business' respective industry. Article marketing has several benefits, including establishing yourself as an expert, lead generation, increased site traffic and improved search engine rank. It is also a cost-effective method of marketing your Web site and services, and driving up your search engine ranking in the process. Article marketing is a perfect way to focus your website marketing on the full range of your most important search phrases. Writing Articles Writing articles, or anything for that matter, is a whole lot easier when you don't have to start from a blank piece of paper. Writing an article takes more than a couple of minutes. Writing does not come naturally to most of us, and having a plan is imperative to achieving success. Writing new articles and keeping your site constantly up-to-date are sure ways to prevent you from falling into that pit. If you have been marketing on the internet for any length of time, you probably know or have heard about the incredible power of article writing and submitting them to ezines, article directories, and newsletters promoting your URL. Articles are written to target particular keyword niches, and distributed to content publishers that cater to those markets. Articles are the foundation of your expertise. These articles that are interesting and informative will act like a magnet to draw targeted traffic direct to your website in both the short term and the long term. When you are writing them, they do not have to be like those dreaded reports we used to hate to turn in at school, as you are the author and you are in control. Articles, written by you, are still the fastest and cheapest. These will create a unique branding opportunity. Published articles provide an air of expertise. Readers of your articles are a select buying group, hungry for your product information. Incoming links from distributed articles boost your site's page ranking. Plus, get a leg-up on those who don't do it at all. Once written, and submitted, the business makes these articles freely available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. The article directory site gradually gains in search engine popularity as more articles are posted which benefits both the author and the directory owner with increased article views. There is one simple way to put your articles promotion in overdrive. Shoot your article marketing success through the roof when you submit your articles to over 700 article directories. Though article marketing isn't for everyone, I just recently realized, however, that it has began to grow in popularity because marketers now understand that consumers are tired of being marketed to and that building relationships with them is much more effective. Marketers have been using article syndication (sometimes referred to as article marketing) to promote their product and/or service for years, so this method can't be wrong. When creating an article marketing strategy, time should be spent writing an article that has value and/or satisfies a particular need. The final secret to article marketing is to write lots of articles. There are nearly 70 keywords that have over 500 searches a month. Write 70 articles, one for each keyword, and point them towards your website. Well, more than anything, to me, article marketing is a fun, engaging, and dynamic marketing method.
That's why many authors, experts and businesses choose article marketing software to help them get their articles published to as many article directories as possible. Here are a few tips about picking the right article marketing software.
How do Article Directories help you? With your article most directories allow one html link, or called anchor text, highlighting one keyword in the body of your article.
Check the directory first as some do not allow html links in the body of the article. If not then usually there is an Author Biography area that will allow html links. This is where you place your anchor text and to make sure if someone uses your article have an open url reference to your website.
Now your articles are linking to your site both using keywords and your actual url. This is link building and a system used to drive traffic to your site. The beauty of this is that the traffic has already been targeted as they have read your article and want more information from you, hence they have clicked on one of your links.
Why does article submission software give you an advantage? The number of article directories you can submit to is critical to the success of your traffic building campaign. The internet world is a wild jungle, and survival belongs to the fittest. If you are only submitting to one or two directories, the amount of exposure and traffic to your website would be minimal, and in no time, you will see your website and business drowned in the midst of ferocious competition.
Article submission software does a beautiful job in submitting to multiple article directories. Find one that can submit to more than 100 article directories.
Each time when you submit, you have to repeat the process of copying and pasting article details like the article summary, article title, article body, author resource box, the article category and keywords into the article submission form at the article directory.
Imagine how tedious it is to repeat the process for each article directory. It is not surprising that you have to face the computer the whole day just to submit to about 100 article directories.
All these can be avoided by using article submission software. These software are built in with features that would auto-populate the article fields, leaving you only to click the submit button and the article is submitted. Talk about simplicity and efficiency.
Such software are now available to webmasters and marketers like us at affordable prices ranging from $90 - $200 only. The potential income it can generate and the time and money savings it brings are worth much more than that. Learn more at my blog about effective article marketing and find out which powerful article submission software are successful internet marketers and webmasters using.
Best practice to submit articles is choosing the right article directory. No use having your pet article on a search engine optimization article directory as no one will be interested.
Articles should be submitted to directories that are appropriate for your article content. This is where some article directory submission websites sometimes submit your articles to inappropriate directories and might create some problems for your article.
When taking into consideration article directories choose those with a high page rank and a good Alexa traffic rank. You can find these using the Google page rank toolbar and the Alexa ranking toolbar.
Now having your articles on high page rank article directories will add quite some weight to your links directed at your site. Not only that but you will generate a lot of traffic to your site.
It must be stressed that you must make your articles unique, no copying other articles, make them your own content and compile articles you are proud for others to read.
By following these simple steps you will build traffic to your pages from interested targeted readers. Your site will have a sound link building program in place and as such you will see an increase in your sites search engine positioning.
Beside all that, follow best practice, have fun with what you're doing and continue to learn sound writing techniques, promotion and success in some form will follow.
Both Naresh Dogra & Steve Albright are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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