The Breadman Tr-4000

Whether you are an occasional bread baker or a serious break making enthusiast, the Breadman TR-4000 by Salton, better known as the "Breadman Ultimate Dream Machine" has got something for everybody. Though there are several types of Breadman breadmakers, this model is definitely the top of the line.

Not only is the Breadman TR-4000 breadmaker able to successfully bake all different types of breads, it also has an LCD readout that tells you how to make them step by step. This breadmaker also has an automatic add-in dispenser. With this dispenser, you load your bread add-ins, such as nuts or fruit, and the machine will put them in at the appropriate time. This is a great option, since it means that you do not have to constantly monitor the breadmaker while it is running in order to put your add-ins in at the right time. This machine does it all for you!

Another great thing about the Breadman TR-4000 is that it has a delay timer. Load it up with the ingredients for your bread at night, including any add-ins in the dispenser, and you can set it to cook at a specific time in the morning, so that you can wake up to a freshly baked loaf of bread. Imagine setting your coffee maker and your bread machine at night, and when you wake up your coffee and fresh baked bread is all ready. Not only is this a time saver for busy people, it is also a real luxury!

The Breadman TR-4000 has special settings and cycles for making different types of breads. There is a setting for sourdough bread, where the machine will mix the special sourdough "starter" ingredients, and then ferment them for a certain period of time. When the starter is done fermenting, (this can take up to 2 days), the machine will let you know when to add the other ingredients, and then it will finish the baking process. Most of the older bread machines cannot bake sourdough bread successfully due to the extra steps that are needed.

Even though the Breadman TR-4000 is basically for making bread, it can also, believe it or not, make jam. Using a special setting and cycle, the TR-4000 can make homemade jams in just about any flavor. What other machine can both make your bread and the jam that you like to put on it?

All in all, the Breadman TR-4000 truly is an ultimate dream machine, and is well worth its upper-end price.

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About The Author, John
John Gibb is the owner of breadmakers resources, For more information on breadmakers check out