Last time I saw you, you had dirt under your
Can't put the rain back in the sky
Once it falls
Come on, come on
Kill the rats in the gutter
Come on,
Go find a jukebox and see what a quarter will
I had to go back to that house one more
I changed the lock on my front door
So you can't
Baby, sweet baby, you're my drug
Come on and let me
Baby, see how I been living
Velvet curtains on the windows
John Ciambotti bass guitar
Donald Lindley drums
I don't want you anymore 'cause you took my joy
Lonely girls, lonely girls
Lonely girls, lonely girls
Heavy blankets, heavy bla
Once in a while we might pass on the street
That's what they all tell me
That's what they say to
When Daddy told me what happened, I couldn't believe what
You've got a sense of humor
You're a mystery
I heard a
Just to sit and talk
The way we used to do
You don't have to prove
Your manhood to me constantly
I know
You run yourself ragged tryin' to be strong
You feel bad
You say there's always gonna be this thing
Between us days
I think I'm gonna make myself a little something to
Words fell
Like roses at our feet
When you let me see
If we lived in a world without tears
How would bruises