About Writer Washington Divorce allows you to complete your official Washington State Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, commonly known as divorce, online. This service helps you prepare your Washington State divorce forms according to your particular set of circumstances and in a format accepted by Washington Courts. Visit http://www.washingtondivorceonline.com for more info.
Washington Divorce And Child Custody Most people believe that child custody refers to which parent gets the children. In fact, custody refers to three parenting roles:The first is a question of residence. Where and with whom will the children live?The second is a question of nurturance. Who will take care of the children on a daily basis? Who will see that they are fed, clothed, and otherwise nurtured?The third question is one of...... Similar Editorial : Child Custody In Chicago by Low Jeremy. | Source : Georgia Alimony
Issues Of Alimony & Divorce Division Of Property Typically, of all the issues needed to be resolved to complete your Washington State divorce, alimony is the issue of least consensus and unification among lawyers and judges. Today there is a growing expectation among lawyers and judges that women can and should support themselves. Alimony is now awarded for a shorter period of time and most likely provides less than the standard of living during...... Similar Editorial : Relocation Issues by Elizabeth Kirwin. | Source : Georgia Alimony
Washington State Divorce Legal Issues Either you and your spouse will negotiate a settlement between yourselves or a judge will determine the arrangements for you. In Washington State divorce cases, there are now formal guidelines that the court must follow in awarding child support. However, on most issues, judges are unfettered to implement their own discretion after hearing evidence, and this discretion extends even to child...... Similar Editorial : Washington D by Stacy Andell. | Source : Georgia Alimony