Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.
The Bad Side Of Blogging How many blogs do you suppose there are on the Internet? Whoops another one was just started, and another, and another and another.There are millions of blogs online today and everyone is practically tripping over each other to start their own. My question is why?You can answ... Similar Editorial : Are You A Side by Charles French. | Source : Computer Programming
Is A Teaching And Coaching Business For You? Why did you become a network marketer? Most people immediately respond, 'for the money!' However, this is not the real reason.No one subjects them to the hard work of building a business just for little pieces of paper with the faces of dead presidents. The truth is you work in order t... Similar Editorial : Business Coaching by crackmarketing. | Source : Executive Coaching
Is This The Ultimate People Business? If you've ever heard of Network Marketing, you've probably heard it said that it is essentially a people's business. Some have also labelled it a people's franchise because of the similarities between the business models of network marketing and franchising. Advocates of the industry name it as ... Similar Editorial : The Ultimate PR by Robert A. Kelly. | Source : Interactive Media Marketing
Why Being A Good Leader Is Vital To Your MLM Success If you are in any MLM business, even if you are just starting out, you will know that the glue that keeps the whole MLM phenomenon together is the closeness shared by those in both your upline and your downline. When you just started out in your MLM business, you will have met some of yo... Similar Editorial : Vital Verbs by Joseph E. Wright. | Source : Interactive Media Marketing
What To Look For When Buying Exercise Equipment If you're thinking about buying exercise equipment, it is always best to have some basic knowledge about what to look for. People who don't do a little homework before making a purchase can find themselves regretting their decision very quickly.The first step in looking for exercise eq... Similar Editorial : Abdominal Exercise Equipment by Luke T. Axton. | Source : Exercise Benefits
Positive Gains With Hypnosis Over recent years, hypnosis has gained acceptance as a credible method of treatment within the traditional medical community. It is now recognized as credible by both the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health, as seen by the information provided on their websites.Hypnosis has... Similar Editorial : Change in Capital Gains by Kevin Bilberry. | Source : Naturopathic Therapy
How To Write Ads That Pull-In The Money Before writing the sales copy for your next product, you will have to write a series of ads for the promotion of that product. For example, you might want to promote a new information guide for people who just purchased the Windows Vista software. Here are the main points to consider when you sit do... Similar Editorial : The Taffy Pull by LeAnn R. Ralph. | Source : Advertising Tactics
Five Ways To Make Your Advertising Work Harder One of the sharpest minds in the direct response marketing business is fond of advising potential advertisers that creativity is not a positive virtue for an advertising copywriter. Whether it is a print, on-line or broadcast ad, the worst response experts say people should give is to think an ad wa... Similar Editorial : Every Diet Gets Harder by HeleneD. | Source : Advertising Tactics
Video On The Internet - The Next Communication Revolution Streaming Video is the future of the Internet. In the United States of America, $2 billion was being spent on streaming media technologies, and is projected to grow to in excess of $12 billion per annum over the next few years.Today the Internet is the fastest growing marketplace and off... Similar Editorial : What is Video game by Subhash. | Source : Corporate Management
To Compose Music, First Learn To Improvise One of the greatest motivators of learning to play an instrument for most people is the thought of being able to compose their own music, to take their talent to a new level, and use their music to express their inner feelings. The first step to take to learn how to compose your own music is to lear... Similar Editorial : Pop Music by Mary Rose. | Source : Karaoke Music
Just Let It Go! Fear, worry, tension, despair, and dread. It is a lot to handle. Gravity can weigh you down so immensely. Do you feel the strain? Many people say just hold on, things are bound to get better. Problem is, you need relief right now. Things are too much for you and you don't think you can take the tor... Source : Conditioning the Mind for Success
Blogging For Profit - You Need A Long Term Plan There are many people who have big dreams of making their blogging profitable. This goal is fairly easy to accomplish if you have an average level of intelligence if you are willing to work hard, and if you have a good grasp of the technology that surrounds blogging. However, most people never actually get the profit that they want to get from their blog. There are two main reasons that people do...... Similar Editorial : Blogging 101 by . | Source : Corporate Blogging
5 Great Reasons To Start A Blog Blogs are becoming the greatest and latest trend. Everyone who does not have one should have one. However, you should ask yourself if having a blog is right for you and your business.Ok so now let us discuss what a blog is before we go into the reasons why you should start one. A blog is a certain type of website or certain part of a website that you can make posts about what ever you want. These...... Similar Editorial : How To Blog by Stuart Reid. | Source : Fashion Blogs
Countdown To Blasting Off Your Business Blog Does your blog need a bit of a kick start? Are you having trouble trying to get things going again? Maybe your blog has never really got started because you are not sure how to get things moving. If any of the above applies to you, then read on to find out how to blast off your business blog. Go Back to BasicsFirst of all you need the foundations for a successful blog. Here are a few factors...... Similar Editorial : How To Blog by Stuart Reid. | Source : Fashion Blogs
Have A Regular Schedule For Your Blogging Blogging needs to be completed on a regular basis to ensure interesting material is available for your readers and to allow you to max up your profits. Some people are only encouraged to post on their blog when they are feeling particularly creative but this is really not how things should be and this problem can be overcome by putting your blog on a schedule. Take the time to have a practical...... Similar Editorial : World Cup Cricket Schedule by ellawilson. | Source : Fashion Blogs
Read A Good Book You never know, you may decide to put the words of the cookbook into practice and have a go at a new recipe in the book. Just remember to make it low in fat and calories if you do!... Similar Editorial : A Good Book Review by Joy Cagil. | Source : stress management training
Stressed Out! - But Why? The good news is that you do not have to feel stressed anymore. You need to regain control which will put your feelings of anxiety into reverse. YOU CAN DO IT - WE ALL CAN!... Similar Editorial : Who To Lose Weight by Kevin03. | Source : therapy for stress
Behaviors That Result In Stress Third, visit a professional for coping strategies if you are not successful on your own. By doing so, you can quickly alleviate the stress that you experience on a day to day basis... Similar Editorial : Who To Lose Weight by Kevin03. | Source : therapy for stress