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My First Car - Pimpin My Ride I pimped my first car by accident: literally by accident. My first car was a 1971 dodge challenger and I was driving home from the lake when I spun out and dented the wheel on a cement island. When I bought the car it came with the stock wheels and the tires were fairly worn. I needed to replace... Source : New Car Search
I Remember My First Car I remember my first car a 1971 Dodge Challenger. She was metallic green with a white vinyl roof. A 340 four barrel pushing 275 horsepower mated to a slapstick 3 speed automatic and a positraction rear end. Which meant to my eager 18-year-old ears I could burn out both rear wheels at once. I reme... Similar Editorial : Remember The by Douglas G. Burkland. | Source : Mercedes Benz Cars
Auto Auctions On Line Prepare well and youll have a stress free and profitable experience. You may end up owning the car of your dreams for thousands less just buy trying out the seized auto auctions... Similar Editorial : Auto Auctions On Line by Lee Connors. | Source : Importing Cars To Uk