Nathan Boyd is author of the highly rated ebook, "The Fitness Lifestyle" and the current Director of Pro Fitness of Texas. Nathan encourages everyone in their pursuit of becoming physically fit and maintaining it for a lifetime. All questions and comments are always welcomed!
Beach Body Abs With the return of warm weather in the spring, thoughts can never be too far behind of the approaching summer and the many wonderful outdoor activities that we’ll often associate with it and among ou...... Similar Editorial : Lifes a Beach by Debbie Rodgers. | Source : Health Hints
Tips To Help You Find The Right Gym Taking those first few steps towards establishing a Fitness Lifestyle can very well be intimidating, especially if the decision is made to sign-up for a gym membership. In fact, deciding on even usin...... Similar Editorial : How To Find HOT by Jeff Smith. | Source : Healthy Tip
Friday Night Fitness Dates Close your eyes and imagine this romantic setting: an intimate picnic on the beach, you and your mate enjoying strawberries from a fresh fruit salad, and both of you enjoying the ocean breeze as plan...... Similar Editorial : Friday the 13th by Adam Singleton. | Source : Healthy Tip