About Writer Copyright MBPCO 2006 and Beyond. Elizabeth Miller is an author/publisher. For more about horses just trot on over to http://www.horsegearhere.com
The Horse: No Animal Has Done More No animal has done more for the advancement of humankind than the horse. That said, it's hard to imagine ever using the horse as a source of food. But of course, that's how the man-horse relationship began. The history books contain many references to the horse as prey some 50,000 year... Similar Editorial : Horse Training Tips by Andy Curry. | Source : Pet Stain
Notes On The History Of The Piano Musical instruments with keyboards have been evolving since 220 B.C. when a Greek engineer named Ctebius created the "Hydraulis" to demonstrate, of all things, the principle of hydraulics. The Hydraulis led to the organ and a technical evolution of that instrument that has spanned cent... Similar Editorial : Shopping for a Piano by Eugene Chung. | Source : Watch Music Videos
A Whiff Of Perfume History Summary: For when you want to sniff around the origins and evolution of perfume and how its powers were perceived along the way.Long, long, lonnng before the existence of soaps and clean personal hygiene, perfume was invented, no doubt to mask any number of unpleasant odors. This h... Similar Editorial : Choosing A Perfume by Sara Blackmoore. | Source : Basic Cosmetics