Fall In Property Price- Rate Effect Loan rates have however, not become cheaper but the price of a house may surely become cheaper. Due to shortage of buyers, builders are now thinking for correction in prices. RBI has given them a strong jerk by not reducing them loan rate interest. The builders had hoped that RBI would mak... Similar Editorial : The Freedom to Fall by Skye Thomas. | Source : Real Estate Brokers
Important Tips For Buying Property After studying all pros and cons of a property as well as of the area in which it is situated, and after doing all ground work, a smart buyer must invest preferably in a flat at a young age when the liabilities are less and then selling it at higher rate at double its purchase price and r... Similar Editorial : Buying Property by Cheow Yu Yuan. | Source : Luxury Properties
Shortage Of 3 Crore Houses In The Country Presently India is facing shortage of more than 3 crore houses. If the state governments do not make appropriate arrangements in this direction for appropriate land and construction activities are not acclerated according to demand, the shortage... Similar Editorial : Man Shortage by Regena English. | Source : Real Estate Wealth
Scuba Gear Checklist For Your Next Dive Trip One of the best ways to avoid forgetting important itemsfor a dive trip is to keep a scuba gear checklist. In fact,if you are about to make a trip, make sure to have your scubadive gear serviced. To enjoy your trip, you need to divideyour scuba gear checklist into two groups, the first grouppertains to the actual dive, the other is for your time inthe boat.For your actual dive you want to make...... Similar Editorial : Scuba Certification by Jay Umbenhauer. | Source : Kayaking Trip
Costs To Purchase And Maintain Scuba Diving Equipment The costs of scuba diving equipment can easily run over$1,000 dollars. Although renting is always an option, fora diver that is developing a long term interest in thissport, purchasing is worth your while, not just in moneybut also in the quality of your scuba equipment.Without going into the pros and cons of renting vs buyingthe scuba diving equipment, let's talk about the varioustypes of scuba...... Similar Editorial : Scuba Diving by hunter. | Source : Kayaking Trip