If your marketing plan does'nt include writing, better incorporate it immediately. The whole Net belongs to writers. Isn't the Web an Information Encyclopaedia? All people want content and you better give quality content to be recognised amongst the multitude. Your web site must have good content, something original and
Now here we focus on using writing skill as a marketing tool.
The place where you can deposit your articles on the Web is called an article bank. You can post your articles to these article banks. You will be surprised that many people read your articles, visit your site and subscribe to your newsletter. They may hire you or pay you for your future articles! This is FREE ezine advertising and you can save thousands of dollars which otherwise would have gone to marketing !
You can write copyright info and bio on every article you submit and in some article banks you can include your photo.
I used to visit http://www.writingtree.com/ and post my articles there. This is a site which encourages writers. Writing is an art and this is recognised by this site.
You have to market your articles. For this you can design a web page like www.eastrovedica.com/html/articles.htm and link all the articles into an article bank. It gives the visitors option
to read any of your articles.
Another good site where you can submit your articles is http://www.selfgrowth.com/ - Their newsletter is pretty successful with a large circulation base. Your article may be published by them if they like it.
I always submit my articles to http://www.marketing-seek.com/ They have ezines dealing with a lot of subjects despite the fact that they concentrate on marketing. You can get your articles published in their ezines.
You can open a new Web page and publish your article in yourSite. I wrote an article on Pranic Therapy and published it recently on my site. To see how I have done it, click on this link http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/pranic1.htm
The reason for publishing your article on your website is that some sites which have a Web Page called Submit Article want it to be published on the Web. They ask for the url where the article can be found.
When I wrote Vedic Astrology Lesson 4, I instantly published it on the Web due to these Submit Article websites needing one to do that. My Web Page http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/va4.htm became an instant hit !
Publish or perish ! Use your Nature-given talent to write and write your way to the top. Dont let the inhibitions in the mind block you from being a successful writer. Dont let age prevent you from writing !
Chaucer at Woodstock with the nightingales,
At sixty wrote the Canterbury Tales !
Goethe at Weimar, toiling to the last,
Completed Faust when eighty years were past !
On the Net, Content is King and Email is Queen. Take advantage of this equation. People are ready to pay for branded content !
In our earlier articles, we dealt with the wisdom of creating an Ezine and distributing it.
How do we do it? There are softwares available for bulk mailing.
One of the popular Group Mailers is the Aureate Group Mailer. It is capable of 650000 emails in one hour. I use this excellent Software which goes to 14500 subscribers of my Free Ezine, The Z Files ! You can click on this link to get it.
Another software you can use for the purpose of submitting your Articles, free ezine ads and ezines is the Ezine Announcer. You can Get it at this link
Site submission is also important. You can submit your site to 100 search engines at one click using an Automated Submission Software. Click on this link
If you want more data about writing, you can go to about.com which has a forum for freelance writers and screenwriters. Just type "writers" and you will be stunned at the information you get.
A website where you can deposit your articles is called an article bank. Dont think all sites pay you for your articles. Only one site in my list pays at 2 cents per click. With that sort of money you cant become a millionaire instantly. You have to place copyright info and a bio on each article. Many will read your articles, subscribe to your Zine, write to you, visit your site, hire you or pay you for future articles !
If you dont have enough articles for your ezine, you can visit an articles bank. Even if you dont have the time to write you can do the same. These article banks allow you to use articles from their sites!
Marketing these articles is difficult. If you design a page on your website, you can link the artilcles you have deposited into an article page.
Here we are giving the names of some article banks for you to use.
1) http://www.themestream.com/ - This site will receive all your articles. They have a newsletter and your articles may be published there.
2) http://www.topten.org/ - This site sends out daily newsletters and you can publish coaching tips and quotes.
3) http://www.ideamarketers.com/ - This site will market your articles for a small fee.
4) http://www.top7business.com/ - If you post your articles to this site. it will definitely bring in a lot of traffic.
5) http://www.makingprofit.com/ - This is another site you can submit your articles to.
6) http://ezinearticles.com/ - Different categories have been given and you can submit your articles to any of them.
10) http://www.writebusiness.com/ - A business articles directory.
Happy writing !
You can submit your articles to www.articlewisdom.com and also to these Article Submission Centers http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/articlesubmissioncenters.htm