In this day and age there is very little excuse to be illiterate when it comes to computers, though I know a surprisingly large amount of people that still are. Our entire world, literally, commmunicates via the computer and the internet, so I suggest that it is past time that you get to know the machine that has revolutionized the face of the earth. Learning computer software is just one important step that you need to take.
Basically, computer software includes everything that makes your computer run and work the way it does. The actual physical parts and pieces of your computer are considered computer hardware. You can see why it is important to be familiar with the programs and systems that run your computer can't you? If you are overwhelmed by all there is to learn about your computer, then take a few proactive steps and you'll be on the road to understanding rather quickly.
First of all, get to your local library and pick up a couple of books about computer software. Ask the librarian for some good suggestions if there are a lot to choose from. And then start reading. See what you can learn from the computer experts and authors about computer software. Another great place to begin learning is to sign up for a class that is focused on learning both computer hardware and computer software. You'll never be sorry for enrolling in an introductory course and learning a bit.
The honest truth is that the rest of your life will be dominated by people who know how to function on the computer enough to survive. So the wisest thing you can do for your sake and for the sake of your future is to learn about computer software right away. Even if you already know about computer software, I guarentee that there is still more to know. Don't be fooled into thinking that you know all there is to know about computers. The world of the computer is constantly changing and expanding, so get on board and be prepared come what may.
Taking the time to familiarize yourself with computer software will be helpful no matter what job you take or what direction your life takes. So be proactive and learn while you can. Your career will benefit and you'll be amazed by the many ways you can communicate easier and quicker with the people you love.