We know that our leisure time is precious and solving Crosswords or other Puzzles should not take up hours of that time. Traditional pen and paper puzzles found in newspapers and magazines can take hours, days and sometimes even weeks to solve. Modern technology has come to the rescue of us puzzle addicts!
Now we can solve electronic puzzles on our computers interactively! Many, and a variety of puzzles are available for our enjoyment. The added bonus is the fact that there is always a clues or peek button to help us along without spoiling all the fun!
Interactive crosswords and other puzzles will keep you stimulated for hours on end. Interactive puzzles and crosswords give you the ability to solve quality crosswords and puzzles while you are on-line or off-line, and in the comfort of your own home. Many f.ree interactive puzzles are available and can be downloaded and played without being connected to the internet.
Interactive crossword puzzles are a fun way to increase your vocabulary and general knowledge. Crossword puzzles require the solver to have an extensive knowledge of language, history and popular culture. If your are lacking in these areas, the hint button will become your best friend. The hint button allows you to focus on the fun of problem solving, and helps to avoid any growing frustration that develops when you get stuck for too long. This dual task of answering natural language questions and general knowledge questions can offer you 100% guaranteed enjoyment of your leisure time!
Examples of the types of puzzles available for our enjoyment include sudoku, kakuro, pathfinder puzzles and jigsaw puzzles.
Puzzles can be defined as problems (crosswords, sudoku) or toys (jigsaws) designed to test a person’s knowledge, ingenuity, skill, patience or temper.
Puzzles require the brain to think more creatively. In the process of solving puzzles we are teaching our brain to function in many new ways. Do not forget to enjoy these puzzles with your family. We are in fact accomplishing four goals by solving puzzles - we are exercising our brain, acquiring new knowledge, strengthening family ties and having fun!