Browser Games also known as web based, or online flash, java, or shockwave games. Browser based games have evolved from simple reincarnations of collapse, or breakout, to much more interesting games. Some browser based games are using Open GL to create rich 3d environments. One of the earliest examples of this was Alien X ( ) Presented by this was a big leap and a treat to browser based game fans. Since Alien X there have been many equally impressive 3d games. For racing game fans there was Lego supersonic RC ( ) or Rich Racer ( ). And for Real Time Strategy fans came a great multiplayer game called Quantum Legacy ( ). For fans of first person shooters there are newer games that take big steps beyond what Alien X was capable of. Phosphor for example, while still in its beta stages, has much more clean looking graphics and also has the capability of multiplayer online play. While all the games in this list are quite impressive the most successful game would have to be Runescape ( ). Runescape is a massively multiplayer online RPG game where users try to earn money and complete quests in an online world. The game has become incredibly popular there are many sites devoted to the buying selling and trading of items within the game world.
Great graphics aren't the only direction taken by the creators of these web based games. Atari has created a series of games based on classic board games:
Monopoly ( )
Boggle ( )
Battleship ( )
Scrabble ( )
Sorry ( )
Yahtzee ( )
Users are allowed to login to lobbies where they can find other players interested in playing a game. The game play online is almost identical to the board game counter-parts with the exception that online games tend to go faster due to the fact that the non player-controlled parts of the game are automated very quickly.
If you like the idea of playing the games you know so well and you were a fan of the old Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES as it is well known, then you're in luck. NESCafe has created a java based emulator for the NES, as well as many other console systems. What this means is that many of your favorite NES games like Tecmo Super Bowl, Contra, or RBI Baseball, are all available for you to play online within your browser! Find out more info here:
Browser based games have indeed come a long way, and there's something for everyone. Whether you want to find a classic arcade game, a brand new FPS or RTS game, or an online version of your favorite card or board game, you will find what you are looking for online. You can find a great directory of only the very best online games here: