Wine Bottle Openers

It’s pretty obvious what a wine bottle opener is used for right? It’s simply a device designed to remove the cork from a wine bottle quickly, easily, and without spilling the wine all over the place. Over the years more and more wine bottle openers have been invented. There are now different openers for virtually every need, though some work better than others.

Depending on what purpose your wine bottle opener will serve, there are a variety of different sizes in many different price ranges to choose from. Obviously, the better the quality, the more expensive it will be, but you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a decent wine bottle opener. If you don’t usually drink a lot of wine, you don’t need to get a very big or expensive opener. A cheap little one will work just fine for that purpose.

However, if you tend to drink or serve wine quite regularly, your best bet would be a more expensive, larger opener that you know will last along time, while still opening bottles effectively. If you want, you could even invest in an electric wine bottle opener that will remove the cork on its own.

Waiters and waitresses working in very fancy, expensive restaurants are actually required to open the wine bottles in front of the customers table. Therefore, they use a smaller, simple, yet very effective wine bottle opener. These can also be fairly pricy, because even though there is nothing big or elaborate about them, they work very quickly and efficiently.

Other restaurants, however, have the big, heavy duty wine bottle openers that are made to open dozens and dozens of bottles every night. These openers are very expensive, and very sharp, but they get the job done right.

So whether you are simply looking for a wine bottle opener to keep in your kitchen, or a chef buying one for your restaurant, there are many possibilities. Either way, a wine bottle opener, no matter how cheap, is always a great little tool to keep in your house.

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About The Author, Kavi
Vernon Hale is an author living in Bowling Green, Ky, USA. Find more about fine wines and wine specialties at Wine Bottle Opener