Bbq Grills

Barbecue grills have a certain romance associated with them. They conjure visions of cooking outdoors on a summer evening. Even when used indoors, these grills give your food a distinctive flavor. There are currently three kinds of grills on the market today. They are:

1. Charcoal Grills. These grills use wood or charcoal briquettes (or some combination thereof) that gives food an enhanced smoked flavor. You need, however, to take precautions that you do not burn your food over charcoal, as it is difficult to control the fire. This grill is popular as it is portable and can easily be used at gatherings of family or friends. It is especially favored by those who relish outdoor cooking, and who like to experiment with different styles of cooking. A downside to this is the rigorous cleaning that the charcoal grill needs. Cooking on one leaves a substantial greasy mess. Also, you must wait until the coals cool down before you can actually do any cleaning.

2. Gas Grills. These grills are powered by natural gas (also known as liquid propane). Unlike the charcoal grill, this grill requires only ten minutes to preheat before you start cooking, as there is a simple switch-on button that starts the heating process. Moreover, the temperature can be controlled more easily. It is also possible to cook two different foods at different temperatures. This grill is also easier to keep clean. There is, however, no gas grill that can equal a charcoal one when it comes to the taste of the food. Also, these grills are heavier, and they have to be transported more carefully in order to avoid accidents.

3. Electric Grills. These are the most convenient of all of the grills to use. They can be fired-up easily and don't require an external source of fuel, like charcoal or propane. They are also more environmentally friendly that the other grills. However, for the true connoisseur, the thrill of cooking, as well as the true taste of barbecue are lost when using this grill.

No matter what you need a grill for, or what you are planning to cook, there is a type of grill that is right for you.

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About The Author, Barbara Williams -
Barbara Williams enjoys writing for several web sites, on home and family topics.