Baking Finger Foods

It was our turn to organize the annual block party this year. The responsibility of organizing is rotated from one home to next. We live across street from a lake and the 12 homes along the one mile stretch of the lake attend the party. I found some very good material about this topic at The host and hostess supply the food and beverages. So, this year we decided to offer finger foods. With finger foods we can prepare them early and can enjoy the block party day by visiting with out neighbors.

Many recipe books that have numerous finger foods recipes are at my home. These recipes ranged from savory items to sweets. Normally, the party starts at around 3 and lasts till 7 in the evening, so we wanted to offer food that would be good enough and equivalent to a meal. Many children also attend the party, so we wished to have food they even the children would enjoy having.

In preparation of the event, my husband and me procured the necessary ingredients for the recipes we wished to make several ahead of the event. We bought bread for sandwiches, different kinds of cold cuts and chesses, ingredients for dips, spreads and salsas to compliment the finger foods.

The sandwiches were prepared, cut into triangles and arranged on platters to be put up near the gathering area. Large plates of fresh vegetable with a variety of dips were prepared and put with the spreads for crackers. Sweet finger foods had a number of bars and cookies which I prepared well ahead and had frozen them until the big day. For children hot dogs and stick ice cream treats were offered as finger foods.

Our gazebo area was filled and adorned by streamers and balloons. Lawn chairs laid out in several patterns beside the lake. Some were put in the sun and others in the shade so as to seat each of our guests.

It was fun filled and wonderful for everyone to move from one place to other and at the same time munch food. Since we did not have to call everyone for a meal there was more time to spend together. Finger food were liked by all and even became an item that many said they would serve when their turn arrives to host the event.

After the party was over, not much was needed in cleaning and the small amount of food left could be easily stored. I think we have started a new trend that will be definitely adopted by others for future block party gatherings and will eventually become a tradition.

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About The Author, Melissa Core