Bread, Bread, Sweet Bread

In America, bread is a staple food in every house hold, for breakfast one might have French toast, for lunch one might eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and for dinner one might have a bun on their hot dog or hamburger. In fact, if a meal does not include some form of bread, it somehow feels incomplete.

However, in this healthy obsessed culture of today, many diets want us to restrict the amount of breads we include in our diets. To get around this, use your daily bread "serving" as your desert for the day. I have three great bread recipes that are not only delicious but fun to make:

· Applesauce Pecan Bread Recipe
· Aloha Bread Recipe
· Amish Poppy seed Bread

Applesauce Pecan Bread

Applesauce pecan bread is as good as it sounds. You need two large eggs, applesauce, sugar, vegetable oil, milk (skim for healthier diets), cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda, baking powder, salt, white flour, pecans, and mixed candied fruit. If you want to make it a fancier desert, use any kind of frosting or icing for the top. To make this bread you need to preheat your oven to 325F degrees. Take two mixing bowls, and in one stir in your eggs, apple sauce, sugar, and milk. In the other, mix your dry ingredients until they are well mixed. Mix both bowls of ingredients together, gradually stirring in the nuts and fruits. Put into your loaf pan, and sprinkle any extra sugar, cinnamon and nuts on top. Only takes an hour to bake!

Aloha Bread

This fun bread combines the fun of Hawaii into its batter and the sweetness of maraschino cherries, bananas, macadamia and walnuts. This is a simple bread which uses just flour, baking soda, salt, butter, sugar, and eggs. Combine the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and mash bananas in until completely mixed. Then stir in the cherries and nuts. To give it an extra fun twist, sprinkle brown sugar in your pan before baking it at 350F. Usually it takes an hour to bake completely. Remember that because of the bananas this bread is very moist and can be easy to over bake.

Amish Poppy Seed Bread

You can use your favorite basic bread recipe, just make sure to add in almond and butter flavor, as well as a tablespoon of poppy seeds. It is the glaze in this recipe that makes it a great dish. You need a quarter cup of orange juice, three fourths of a cup of sugar, vanilla, butter flavor, and butter flavor. Mix the ingredients like you would in any other bread, just make sure to pour the glaze on the bread when the bread is still hot out of the oven.

If you would like more information on cooking or other bread recipes, visit today!

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About The Author, Joseph Devine
Joseph Devine