Homemade Banana Bread

Brunch is on of the easiest serving that can be made and best suited for a get together. A Sunday brunch is very soothing time for everyone. A number of brunch recipes exist which can be prepared will ahead, so that more time can be spent with your guests rather than with the preparation of food. One of the most popular items is banana bread. It so easy that even children can lend you a hand in its preparation. You can ask them to peel and mash the bananas.

You do not have to worry about the soft, small hands getting into mixer since majority of the ingredients for banana bread are soft so as to be mixed by hand itself. Better still, not much effort is required for clean up because only one bowl mixtures are required for preparing a batch of banana bread.

Chocolate chips added into the batter just before pouring into the pans will greatly enhance of banana bread taste. I found this great food related site http://www.grocerycarriage.com. The aroma and flavor of chocolate gels in perfectly and even holds shape in the banana bread. Chopped walnuts are also one of the additions, but add them only if you are sure that none of your guests are allergic to nuts.

If you are short of time or behind your schedule a bread machine will be handy. You just have to put the ingredients in the listed order. Most bread machines also give recipes for quick breads. If you wish to do something different, muffin tins to make banana muffins are a great option.

For people who are calorie and fat conscious, many recipes that are in great to taste and cater to their needs of less calories are available. Sometimes, over ripe bananas can be bought at a very less price. Purchase several of them in bunch and freeze them. You just have to peel and mash the required amount and freeze them in an air tight container or plastic bag.

These can be used the next time you make, simple place the frozen bananas into the banana bread. Even prepared banana bread freezes good. While making loaves go in for some extra and have them frozen. Banana bread are also a very good choice to gift to anyone at whose house you have been invited.

Banana bread is simple to prepare, liked by majority of people and easy to carry because it freezes good. So, remember to pick up some extra bananas to make a loaf or two of banana bread the next time you are in the produce section.

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