A Cake Pan With Personality

The origin of America's most popular cake pan gives a whole new meaning to the term "batter up." It was invented when a woman from the Hadassah Society in Minneapolis asked the founder of a bakeware company to make a pan for Kugelhopf, a dessert popular in Europe. He came up with the Bundt pan, and millions of American households began making Bundt cakes. The Bundt's classic design is a round baking pan with a tube in the middle showcasing fluted, decorated sides. Today, there are nearly 40 different Bundt shapes and designs.

Now that Nordic Ware, the company that created the pan, is celebrating its 60th birthday, their national recipe contest-"Bundt's Across America"-is inviting bakers to let their creativity flow by submitting their best-tasting Bundt cake that is representative of the state where the entrant lives.

The grand-prize winner will receive a family reunion party and have his or her kitchen outfitted with $1,000 worth of Nordic Ware products. Each of the 10 national finalists will receive a $500 gift certificate and state winners will receive a $100 gift certificate.

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Nordic Ware Bundt Cake Pan Bundt Cake Pan
About The Author, Zack Brown
To enter, complete the entry form found at www.nordicware.com.If your heart's in baking, you may come up with this delicious-looking entry.