Potty training should not be an exasperating moment for both the parent and the child. As a parent, you know it’s not easy to potty train your child. Sometimes it’s even more frustrating for the child himself. You need to learn important things that are necessary to obtain a successful potty training. These things include whether your child is ready to potty trained, which time is the best to begin it, and the most fun way to potty training. Read the details below: 1. Pre-Potty Training Before starting to potty train your child, it’s best to get to know about the things that can make potty training successful. You can call it pre-potty training, which means finding out and recognizing the signs whether your child is ready for the training or not. These signs include: • The ability to hold urine for long periods of time • The ability to follow 1-2 directions at a time • Knows when urination or bowels movements are about to start When he shows these signs, it means you may start the training now. During this time –or better earlier- you need to set up a plan for the training process. Though there are some different opinions of how to potty train, it’s important that you choose the best method most effective for you, your child, and the family. 2. Knowing When Your Child is Really Ready for Potty Training It can be difficult to find out when is the best time to potty train your child. It is as if the child who has the decision for it. Generally, children are ready to begin potty training between the ages of 18 and 24 months. You’ll know when they are ready because the signs will be there. These are some of signs to look for: - shows an interest to use the toilet - tries to imitate other people in the house using the potty - is able to tell you that they need to go potty or tell you they went already - is able to pull their pants up and down by themselves When they show the signs, it’s time for you to begin introducing them to the potty. It’s important to get a comfortable potty chair for your children so that potty training becomes a fun activity for them. 3. Start a Night Potty Training When Your Child is Ready After you’ve finished your child’s day potty training, you can try to introduce him to the night training. This process can happen quickly for some children and more slowly for some others. Don’t push them to do it, as potty training should not be frustrating. Letting him stay dry during the night could be a harder effort for parents. As the first step, tell your child that he is allowed to wear a diaper or pull-up during night sleep, but take him first to the bathroom and let him to potty. Tell him to not to drink too much water before sleep. Putting the potty in his bedroom is also a very good idea, in case he needs to use it when he wakes up in the middle of the night. 4. Make Potty Training Fun Making the training fun is easy if you can take some time to be creative. Children love things that are fun and interested to them. One of the tips to create a fun potty training is by using Potty Training Doll. It is a drink & wet doll, which can be used to help make toilet training fun and easy by demonstration. 5. Important DON’Ts in Potty Training Make sure your child is well supported during the training. You should also maintain a positive attitude toward him if you want to ensure success. Here are some of DON’Ts in potty training your child: - Don’t start the training before he’s ready. - Don’t put too much pressure on the child. - Don’t try it in a stressed environment. - Don’t yell at the child or punish him if he makes mistakes. Hopefully those points are effective for you and your child. Enjoy your potty training experience! |
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