Is This Article For you?

By: Arthur Levine

How many times have you said to yourself, I wish I had someone who could write articles for my Website or Blog that tells the reader what I think they will be interested in reading about?

Many of you don’t have the time or the desire to write your own articles, but you sure know what you want talked about, and you probably have an excellent idea of what your readers want to see and hear.

Many of you turn to free article submission services to find the articles you want to post on your Websites. Some of you turn to paid content for hire Websites to fill your article needs, Some of you even hire individual freelance writers to write the articles you desire, but how many of these people stay on topic and are willing to learn to write in your voice?

Whatever method you use, please be sure to try and find articles that fit in with the character and nature of your Website. Believe it or not, your readers know the difference. They can tell instinctively when you are running something as filler material, and when you are posting something that genuinely represents the interests of your Website or Blog.

I guess the message is to try and stay on message.

This isn’t always easy. There is a lot of material out there on the Internet, some of which is very good, and some of which has been reprocessed and renamed to the point that it is useless in creating the impression that you want.

Stay away from duplicate content. The best way to do this is to stick with the article submission services that you know and trust and that have policies against publishing duplicate content.

Another good way to assure that your readers are getting what they want is for you to hire a freelance writer that will produce exactly the kind of material that you are looking for.

Whatever you decide to do, be sure to try and provide your readers with material that meets their demands for information of value on the topic your Website or Blog specializes in. That’s the best way to keep their interest and protect yours.


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