Studies are being continuously done so as to find out solutions to the increasing problems when it comes to having the best kind of vehicles that would be able to offer the best amenities and yet be one of the friendliest to the environment. And from these studies, experts are making sure that their findings would be brought to practice and this is where programs and campaigns come in.
The Transportation Research Institute of the University of Michigan (UMTRI) has done a study on one of these programs. Members of the whole team did take a look at an incentive program that is based on the market. This program has been set out so as to help out reduce those emissions from cars and vehicles that contribute to global warming. The results did show that such a program has been efficient enough in the sense that it can cut pollution down by some 33 percent at most. Plus, it also allows drivers and vehicle owners to save much by about $2,500 in gas for its whole lifetime. Of course, such an amount may not be world-shaking but it can be enough to help out drivers and owners in purchasing all other items that they may deem necessary like a new maybe.
This incentive program is applicable in the state of California and it runs under the name Clean Car Discount program. With it, people can take advantage of "feebates" which are actually fees and rebates which you can use on schedule. Of course, the "feebates" are based on just how much pollution do these new vehicles send out to the environment. On this, Walter McManus, the director of the Automotive Analysis Division of UMTRI, explains, "Our analysis shows that by harnessing the power of price signals, feebates spur consumers to purchase and manufacturers to produce cleaner vehicles."
The director also does continue to say in conclusion, "We concluded that a feebates program combined with California's Pavley law is a potent policy solution to reduce global warming emissions because everyone gains - the consumer, the retailer and the environment we share."