Follow these steps and you'll be a packing expert:
Packing for Your Move
Ã?â‚??It really pays to get the right packing materials. You want sturdy boxes and good packing materials like bubble wrap, tape and peanuts. Blankets and lots of paper are helpful too.
Ã?â‚??Make sure that you pack one room at a time taking time to label each box.
Ã?â‚??Don't make boxes too heavy.
Ã?â‚??Mark boxes with fragile materials clearly- double cushion these items when packing.
Ã?â‚??When packing the truck, put the most important items in last, heaviest items on the bottom. Some important items might include, clothing to change into, towels, prescription drugs, tooth brushes and other personal items, toilet paper, trash bags, first aid kit, flashlight, cleaning items, paper plates and plastic utensils.
How to Save Money on Your Move
There are several ways to make your move a lot easier. One of the best is to pack well. You want all of your belongings to arrive in the condition they left, follow these steps and you'll be a packing expert:
Ã?â‚??Save on Moving SuppliesOften, ordering your moving supplies online can save you money, try to use less expensive alternatives like newspaper instead of bubble wrap. Plan ahead and shop around for the best prices and always borrow when you can.
Ã?â‚??Save on Moving LaborTo save money on professional moving, try a "you pack, we drive" company you do the packing, they load, drive and unload your stuff. Or, get your friends or relatives to help you pack up and rent your own moving truck to save more money.
Ã?â‚??Save on the TripYou may want to consider skipping staying in a hotel the night before you depart, stay with a friend or relative instead to save money. Or, invest in or borrow an air mattress and spend one last night on your living room floor. Map out your route and look for discount hotel prices along the way, call before hand to see if breakfast is included in the fee. An even cheaper option is to camp at a campground or RV park (but be sure to call ahead and make sure there are no size restrictions and if moving trucks are allowed on the grounds).
How to Safely Move Your Pets
It's a big enough feat to move you and your family. Pets can complicate your move significantly. Listed here are a few tips to make you and your pets transition as smooth as possible.
Ã?â‚??Purchase a comfortable, sturdy carrier.
Ã?â‚??Make the move as easy as possible on your pet! Routine is essential, go with the familiar. Be sure to walk, feed and care for your pet just as you would if you were not moving.
Ã?â‚??Be sure that your pet's medical records are up to date, if you are flying many airlines require that your pet see a vet within thirty days previous to the flight.
Ã?â‚??If flying, especially to some place warm, try to book a direct flight early in the morning or later in the afternoon. This will cut down on the discomfort of your animal if they have to ride in cargo. Also expect at least a $75 flight fee for your pet.
Ã?â‚??Change your pet's ID tag to your cell phone number.
Ã?â‚??If you are really worried, you can always consider an animal transportation service. This special care may be the best option for you and your pet.
What Moving Expenses Can I Deduct From My Taxes?
Ã?â‚??Required lodging while traveling to your new home.
Ã?â‚??The cost of moving goods and personal effects.
Ã?â‚??The temporary storage of your things for up to thirty days.
These are considered adjustments to your income, meaning that you can deduct them whether or not you itemize your deductions. You will need the 1040 form and attach the 3903 form.
However, not all moves are deductible. You must first be working as a full time employee within 13 weeks of the move, and must follow the move with at least 39 weeks of work in the 12 months after your move. Your move does not have to be work related, as long as you have a full time job in your new location. Secondly, you must meet a distance test. Your new job has to be at least 50 miles from further from your old home than your old job, if you are beginning a new job it must be 50 miles from your old home.
How to Make Your Move Easy for the Kids
Before the move, try to get as much information about the new place. You can look it up online, contact the local Chamber of Commerce, or the Board of Realtors in that area. Try not to surprise your children with the move, it is best to let them know months in advance if possible. If possible, take your child to see the new home, neighborhood and town. Visit the future school as well, schedule time to meet with the principle and some of the teachers. Be sure to send your child's records to the new school previous to their arrival. Lastly, consider having a moving party for your child with friends a family.
After the Move
Include your child in the decorating of their new room, try to make it as special and comforting as possible. Explore your new home and town together, scouting out new restaurants, parks and places of entertainment. You may want to discuss what types of out of school activities your child might be interested in trying. You can obtain information on local scout chapters, clubs both in school and out, school and intramural sports, music lessons, and library or museum camps and programs. Last of all try to get to know as many other parents as possible, find out what activities their children participate in.